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Potty train tips?


New Member
central texas
Tegu..my tegu is now 9 months old and romes the house when I'm there..I understand they can be persuaded to poo in certain places? Any one have any luck with potty training other then a soak in the tub before letting them run about?


Well-Known Member
1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Not tried or had any luck myself....

I'd personely start by placing a big warm tub of water where it tends to go or where you want it to go,then before you let free roam it will do its buisiness in there....then after a a few month try to let just free roam and hopefully your Gu will associate the place to do its business and over time you can reduce the water.

If you see it trying or do its business anywhere else pick it up swiftly as possible and place in the designated area.


5 Year Member
We had a lot of luck by feeding our gu in his cage, and then waiting 10 minutes or so for the food to settle and then we pull him out let him roam in one room until he poops and pees. He then gets to watch me clean up his poop and see that this is the least messy place he can poop as they usually don't like to lay around in their own waste, and that food happens in cage, poop happens out of cage. So now every time he comes out he let's out a nice poop and then is rewarded by free roam around the apartment . Hope that gives some ideas!


Active Member
Our gu is water trained and the black chested iguana is taken out to a tile bathroom once a day. Both options work well!


Ontario, Canada
Our gu is water trained and the black chested iguana is taken out to a tile bathroom once a day. Both options work well!

I'm currently trying to potty train Ruby, so I'm curious about what you mean by water trained. I assume he/she only goes when shes in a tub? What's the method you used for training?


Active Member
Yes, the tegu gets a bath once a day he uses the tub that is only dedicated to him. Our green iguana and two water dragons have water inside a larger enclosure they use the feature as their bathroom. The water features are filtered with aquarium filtration. However, would like to upgrade the iguana to a Fluval fx4 canister filter.

Tegu Momma

New Member
Tegu..my tegu is now 9 months old and romes the house when I'm there..I understand they can be persuaded to poo in certain places? Any one have any luck with potty training other then a soak in the tub before letting them run about?
I put pee pads down and put my Tegu on them directly from the enclosure. It tends to poop within minutes. Watch for the butt wiggle....that's a sure sign that it's going to poop


New Member
I’ve been trying with mine almost 1yo blue. He doesn’t like to poop in the enclosure, so it’s a good start. We put it in the coat closet with puppy pads on the floor, close the door and offer a treat once he’s done.
It feels like he knows once he is in there he needs to “go” but the second step of the training hasn’t been very successful yet - which was to make him go to the closet by himself.
I had an adult that I tried to teach before and it seemed to be going quicker than this new one. I wonder if has to do with age or personality because this one is very stubborn in many occasions.
I saw a YouTube video of somebody that did it successfully but they said it did take some time till they got it, so I haven’t given up yet.
Good luck!

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