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problems with new B&W


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5 Year Member
So I've been doing alot of research on B&W tegus and felt like i was finally ready to get one. So on Sunday I picked one up from the local show. I brought him home and set up his 55 gal. with 10.0 UVB repti glo, about 6 inches of cypress mulch, a water bowl big enough for him to soak in, and a basking spot that is usually between 95-105. Right when i put him in his new cage he burried himself in the mulch. He has not come out of the mulch by himself. He hasn't eaten much just a few pieces of boiled egg the day I got him, one dubia roach, and 2 bites of the turkey beefliver mix that Bobby posted about. I offer him a variety of food every day but i end up throwing almost all of it away. IDK what to do please help me.


New Member
5 Year Member
Don't worry. No-name has been doing the same exact thing. I think they're still coming out of their hibernation phase. No-name did eat a few crickets the other day but aside from that, he sleeps all day and night. When I do awake him, he's very active but then quickly finds his den and goes back to sleep. I think their internal clock is WAY off. Hopefully, something will spark them both to become more active.



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5 Year Member
Congrats on your new tegu!

Your tegu simply needs time to settle in in his new environment.
You are better off not touching him nor stress him in any way. Just keep a bit of a distance for the following week or two until he get's somewhat comfortable and starts to eat. After that you should read the "tame the beast" guide. It's on this home page. And that's when the magic of this animal starts to set in.

Good luck and keep us posted


New Member
5 Year Member
Thanks for the help. He ate a little bit of turkey again today but it wasnt very much. I should still continue to offer him food right? I just get worried bc he doesn't come out from under the mulch.


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5 Year Member
Also should I worry about him not getting enough heat under the mulch? He is pretty cold when i get him out of it. Not getting enough heat right now is my main concern.


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He does not need any extra heat, he can come out to warm up. My concern would be parasites, these animals now on the market are all imports. I usually have the first US bred babies of the season, and they are not ready yet. These imports are very well known to harbor parasites, and need floats done so they can be treated.


New Member
5 Year Member
my new tegu hates being watched while he eats so the folowing night i just put his food on a saucer and its all gone by the time i wake up the next morning,try this technique,maybe it will work,lol.


New Member
5 Year Member
Tarantu1aMan said:
my new tegu hates being watched while he eats so the folowing night i just put his food on a saucer and its all gone by the time i wake up the next morning,try this technique,maybe it will work,lol.

told you to try it, so it worked huh?

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