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I'm new here, decided to sign up today with a PSA (I posted in the introduction section as well, but I am sure it's not as frequented by regulars)
Don't leave tegus in water unattended...
My red tegu drowned...
Prior to this, I had researched if it was safe to put tegus in a tub, and all the data I have come across stated they are excellent swimmers and they can hold their breath (and remain underwater) for a *very* long time
So, to get them nice and wet, I put them all in the tub every other day...they swim float etc
Today, my red one, was submerged I thought it was holding it's breath, so I left it alone...
I went back and it was still under so I picked it up and it was limp...dead.
I'm angry, sad etc I have no idea how it could have happened
It looked so unique as well, not like most of the ones I have seen pictures of
RIP little one...
I'm sorry


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1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
You best not be housing all those tegus in that one, small aquarium.

Sorry for your loss, but you are never supposed to leave them unsupervised in baths - even for just a minute. It drowned? How deep did you fill the tub.. Shouldn't be submerged. Water level should be low, not enough to be submerged.


I had no idea, like I said, prior to even doing this, I did research and everything I have read says they can swim.
I forget what string of words I had used, but it never took me to a forum, it took me to sites that provide documentation on tegus.
The tub was deep, I figured if they swim in the wild, a deep tub wouldn't be too much. Lesson learned the hard way.
I just wanted to put it out there in case anyone does research, so they can see that they drown.
I'm so upset about it


1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Are you housing all 3 (now 2) tegus in that glass aquarium?

If so, I have no idea what to tell you, or what other members will say. You have a very low and inadequate amount of substrate in there, the dimensions of the "fish tank", are too small for 3, let alone one tegu and the list goes on.

If I am wrong, and you are housing them in something much larger, I am sorry for jumping on you. But given the photos you provided, I find your care quite appalling. Please do correct me if I am wrong and I will retract what I said.

Again, sorry for the loss of your red.


I've been on forums long enough to realize that there will always be an opinion.
I have also been on long enough to know that how these opinions are relayed, tend to come off harsh and lead to a forum battle
I get the sense of pretentiousness as you all here have known and grown with Tegus for years.
I will not answer the question, as you can see I ignored it the first time around.
Whether you are incorrect, or correct on your assumption, your tone effectively set the tone of the future of the correspondence
If you were truly concerned, you could have sent a PM, rather than set the stage for an attack.
I see you're a Mod... I've been on enough forums to know that OFF TOPIC debates are frowned upon and are somewhat "troll-y", I'd think you see that as well... and you bringing it up, when this thread is purely about my admitted ignorance in the matter of drowning, will not benefit the subject at hand.
Lastly, I don't answer to anyone
If I ASKED in the forum, something relevant that would warrant such a question, sure... (i.e Tegu not shedding properly...tegu biting another tegu etc)

That would be like you having a picture of your Tegu because you wanted to show off some rare color-which was what the tread was about (and let's assume you have kids) and your infant child is in the background
I don't see how that would contribute to anything positive, or even be relevant to the topic

So, anyone googling whether or not "tegu can swim" "tegu holding breath" "tegu drowning" please know that yes, they can and will drown despite what other "informative" sites say


1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Understood, you make a great point. Thanks for not answering my simple question, already figured out your answer.

You are right in that I am coming off as hostile, when I see faults in anything that has to do with tegu care - I point it out. Your setup is below average, cramming three tegus into that tank.

On the subject of tegus swimming and bathing them - you have learned from your mistake and know how to deal with it next time.

Welcome to the forums, sorry for the harshness - but we will agree to disagree.


Understood, you make a great point. Thanks for not answering my simple question, already figured out your answer. ...Your setup is below average, cramming three tegus into that tank.

Sounds like you are still trying, but sorry, I try not to feed trolls

If I really just answered your question, you didn't need to say more

- In Internet slang, a troll (/ˈtroʊl/, /ˈtrɒl/) is a person who sows discord on the Internet by starting arguments or upsetting people,[1] by posting inflammatory,[2]extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a forum, chat room, or blog), either accidentally[3][4] or with the deliberate intent of provoking readers into an emotional response[5] or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion.[6]

And yes now, I know and I wanted to spread awareness and hopefully make this come up as a top hit in relevance if someone else searches

And thanks for the warm welcome!


1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Not trying anything - I figured that is your setup, best of luck with it. I'd call it abuse. Merely asking you whether or not that is the enclosure you house your tegus in is not trolling. Save up some money and buy your tegus adequate enclosures or build them yourself, instead of cramming THREE tegus into an aquarium. I'm done, just a little irritated with all this, again - welcome to the forum, check out our other members' housing, care and all that - maybe you'll learn something.


If your going to be on a forum u need to expect other people's opinions whether u like them or not. If u don't want their opinions don't join the forum. Tegubuzz was polite and not accusing at all just simply gave GOOD EDUCATIONAL info. Take it for what it is. If they are in the tank all the time it is absolutely not healthy for your tegus and I know that after having a tegu a few days. If you set them in there for a moment for a pic and that's not their actual cage, awesome! No one wants to see any pet not being cared for properly.


Active Member
I am sorry to hear about what happened to your red tegu. most ppl know to never leave there tegus unattended in the bath while soaking. This is a good educational post on what NOT to do! Please take the advise from TeguBuzz..Those conditions are not up to par. sorry. Once again thank you for warning everyone!


Merely asking you whether or not that is the enclosure you house your tegus in is not trolling...
You didn't merely ask... you jumped and began bashing...which is trolling...and as a moderator, I'd expect better
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If your going to be on a forum u need to expect other people's opinions whether u like them or not. If u don't want their opinions don't join the forum.
I don't "expect" opinions that are irrelevant to the topic at hand - frankly it doesn't matter if I like it or not...point is, it has nothing to do with what the post was about.
It's a picture of a moment in time... how do you know all of the details?
If you saw a video of a guy beating the life out of another...the guy doing the beating looks "wrong".. I mean it's on video, right?
But what if before that, the guy getting beat just tried kidnapping the assaulters child... CONTEXT... let's not feed into media ignorance because we caught a video at "the right time"
That's the ignorance of our country at its best
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I am sorry to hear about what happened to your red tegu. most ppl know to never leave there tegus unattended in the bath while soaking. This is a good educational post on what NOT to do! Please take the advise from TeguBuzz..Those conditions are not up to par. sorry. Once again thank you for warning everyone!
Most people who know about them, and again I wholly accept my ignorance due to false information - which is why I feel terrible and compelled to put it out there further...maybe it will save another.
Also, you're welcome for allowing me to help contribute on what not to do.
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1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
I "jumped" and began "bashing" you? Alright, we'll go with that.

We have gotten off on the wrong foot - yes, I understand that my first post brought up an irrelevant matter that didn't have much to do with what your post was about initially. But how about we discuss proper housing, we are after all, tegu owners alike. You need to understand to further prevent problems that may occur in the future with your two tegus, that housing them in that sort of enclosure will not suffice.

Building your own enclosure can be rather cheap and I highly suggest you look up methods to doing so, threads with steps and tips can all be found on this forum. I am not trying to troll you, I'm well passed that. I pointed out and questioned some things in your pics which I thought needed to be corrected ASAP. I have stated countless times on this forum that I may come off as harsh, but it is with the best intentions. You will find many tegu owners here with years of experience under their belts, all willing to help and give advice as needed.

If you have any specific questions that you want answered, or tips on housing, care, whatever it may be - start a new thread, put an @TeguBuzz in it so I see it immediately, and we'll get to it - with the help of many other members.

Thank you for posting this cautionary warning, members as well as myself appreciate it.

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