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Question About Feeding?


New Member
I've been researching tegus, hoping to get one in the future. I've done a lot of reading and found lots of lists of things that you can feed them, but I'm a little confused on exactly how you should be feeding them these things?
What I mean is, is there a certain staple food that they have every time with supplemental things added in for variety? Or do you feed them a completely different thing every day? Or do you pick something from those lists and stick to it? I've read they like variety. Is there a certain ratio of meat to fruits/veg that needs to be maintained for proper nutrients?

Sorry if this has been asked a bunch of times but I have been unable to find any clear answers so far. I know there will be variation between individuals, but just in general what would be the rules of thumb?

Also, if anyone could ballpark about how much they spend a month feeding him that'd be awesome



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5 Year Member
There's a thread somewhere on this very topic. In general though, variety is good with whole animal prey as a good staple. How much is the bill? Wildly varies with respect to age and length of active season.


New Member
sorry, can you tell me where is this thread? I've searched but mostly find people talking about which things they can eat, my main concern is making sure they have a balanced diet, instead of accidentally feeding them too much of one thing and not enough of others even if each individual item is okay to eat.

and i know there is definitely variation in cost but was just looking for a general estimation, maybe based on peoples personal experience, so that i can know what i would be getting into? i wouldnt want to get an animal and find out a few months down the line that i cannot comfortably afford to keep it. my other reptiles are relatively low cost for feeding, they dont eat every day so i dont really have a frame of reference for the price or for how much food i would need, in terms of just volume.

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