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Rango share


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I haven't seen a whole lot of him lately. He's been sleeping a bit more. I went to peak on them and Rango was up again under the heat. I have no idea where these jowls came from! I swear they weren't that big the other day.. He has been filling out nicely since May. The pics were through the glass.

Smooshed jowls


Here he is back in May '11, shortly after I got him

He does have a scar from his scale injury last month or the month before. He never had an issue with infection, his nose just looks scratched up. :-/
He's been awesome so far, he still hasn't lost any more toes with me. He eats and poops like a champ. His sheds are WONDERFUL. I'll try to get some more pictures of the hybrid. I rarely see him :'( Thanks for looking!


1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Geesh rango has gotten huge, those jowls look so squishy lol, how long is he now? i dont care how many times i have seen a tegu grow such time it never ceases to amaze me


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5 Year Member
I would guess he is 44-46". He's an inch or two longer then the hybrid but definitely heavier. I'm hoping to get a true length and weight on him this weekend after things settle down. I'm really glad he was able to resume his growth, I think we all know he was very small for a yearling. He gets along really well with the hybrid. The first few weeks I had to put up a barrier because there was a lot of huffing and jowl popping. I took the barrier down a while ago and they've been fine. I've got multiple hides but they're always sleeping together. 2 water dishes. The basking area is large enough for them both to bask.

Guru hasn't gotten a bunch more length or weight but he's only been eating 2x a week for the last 4-5 months.

The hybrid has been sleeping most of the time since I've gotten him. I haven't been able to handle him a ton, I don't want to wake him up and he seems grouchy when he is up. I'd rather let him be until spring or until hes significantly more active. He doesn't charge at me but he will arch his back and huff up. I wouldn't be surprised if he does bite, even then it would be my fault!

Right now in the top enclosure I have a solar glo MVB for basking and on the other side I have a 50w heat bulb. I'm trying to keep that side a little darker and I have let it get a little cooler than during the summer. If either of them decide to go down and stay down, I plan to move them into a tub and bring them in the house.

Here are a few more pictures from yesterday and today.

Rango and hybrid

Body shot of Rango

And this one because we love the tongue shots :D

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