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Roach questions?


New Member
I'm looking to breed Dubia as well as Hissing Cockroaches. I've heard the names interchanged but from what I've seen, hissing roaches breed slightly slower, get about an inch bigger, and live longer as the only difference. Could I raise/breed each of these colonies in 1 tank? Can they live together fine?


New Member
No it is to my beleive that those two will not mix together well at all. The hisser is far too territorial for the dubias. However, i am no expert nor know that much about roaches. I just have a colony of dubias. If i were you i would go witht he dubias because they tend to breed quicker and mature faster. So that makes breeding that much easier.


New Member
Diesel said:
No it is to my beleive that those two will not mix together well at all. The hisser is far too territorial for the dubias. However, i am no expert nor know that much about roaches. I just have a colony of dubias. If i were you i would go witht he dubias because they tend to breed quicker and mature faster. So that makes breeding that much easier.

yea the possibility of being territorial is exactly why I was asking :/ I like the madagascar for different reasons other than just as what to feed, but i guess ill just have to get a smaller colony of those in a different area. :] im definitely getting dubias too though, as my main kind.

ALSO!! I have a 10g tank but thats pretty small, i wanted to put the colony in a plastic bin like most do, but was wondering if i could put a small heating pad on the bottom without it burning or melting, etc. it doesnt seem safe to me, but everyone says to use a heated and i always see them in bins?


New Member
sounds good. I know my lizards love them!! :). but i would like both roaches too. Just not enough space.


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5 Year Member
If you use a bin and heat pad, use a thermostat. It is the only way to properly maintain temps and prevent fires.

What do you mean you like the Madagascar other than what to feed?


Active Member
1,000+ Post Club
the bin with a low watt heat pad would probably be the best unless u have them in a warmer spot. make sure you have egg crates for them to climb on too.


I started keeping and breeding my Dubias for almost 3 years now. I have them in a black bin that I bought from Walmart. On the side of the bin, I stuck on an undertank heater and to that I connected a "Lamp Dimmer" that I got from Home Depot. They run around $7-$10. The roaches LOVE climbing on the egg crates right next to the heat pad. I've had no issues raising them like this.


New Member
Wow, sorry I kind of forgot I posted this. I ended up buying 30 Hissing Roaches (not just as a feeder option, i know some people who would want them as pets) and I found a good deal online for dubias, but waiting to see what I find at the NY expo. I'm planning on using the plastic storage bins and keeping 2 colonies of dubias and the one colony of hissers. I'm planning on using heat cable for now and putting them on top of the Tegu cage if it's warm enough in the future.


The number of feeder roaches at the Wp expo is sparse and those that do sell except for the old guy that sells the Hisser are a bit high for product they sell. I bought a starter colony of dubias (35)for 17 bucks and (9) hisser for 15.
That was about 6yrs ago. I havent bought a roach since. No need to these thing breed like crazy when the weather is warm. and I throw in oranges to boost the production I sell off or give away my extra hissers to schools or as pets
BTW delis are GREAT source of full size egg crates for FREE.


New Member
got10 said:
The number of feeder roaches at the Wp expo is sparse and those that do sell except for the old guy that sells the Hisser are a bit high for product they sell. I bought a starter colony of dubias (35)for 17 bucks and (9) hisser for 15.
That was about 6yrs ago. I havent bought a roach since. No need to these thing breed like crazy when the weather is warm. and I throw in oranges to boost the production I sell off or give away my extra hissers to schools or as pets
BTW delis are GREAT source of full size egg crates for FREE.

i figured nobody would be focusing on bringing huge amounts of roaches instead of more reptiles. looks like i'll have better luck online where i found a good deal. glad i found some hissers that should be here any day soon for such a good price. $31 (including shipping) for 30, cant beat that. :]
and hmm ill have to see if there are any delis around here.

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