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5 Year Member
Okay. Well, i hardly see my tegu lately, but i've kept the heat lamps going in the daytime in case he wants to come out or whatever... 'cause sometimes i do notice things in his enclosure moved around like he'd been out for a bit. Noticed him out every now and then, but pretty rare. I woke him up a few times, just because he happens to like burrowing under his water bowl sometimes, but i have to pick it up and change it. Last couple times i've seen him out i've tried to feed him a mouse, but he's totally uninterested. So... I'm just thinking.. Since he seems to be sleeping mostly, should i stop the heat lamp and UV from going during the day and just not do anything except mist his cage from time to time(will he start to completely hibernate then?) 'til the warmer months... Or keep it the way it is, and maybe put a bowl of mealworms or something in there just in case he's hungry one of the times he decides to come out for a bit? Or does it matter?
I'd rather him not hibernate at all, 'cause it sucks not seeing him ever. But i don't think i have a choice, heh.


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5 Year Member
CaseyUndead said:
Okay. Well, i hardly see my tegu lately, but i've kept the heat lamps going in the daytime in case he wants to come out or whatever... 'cause sometimes i do notice things in his enclosure moved around like he'd been out for a bit. Noticed him out every now and then, but pretty rare. I woke him up a few times, just because he happens to like burrowing under his water bowl sometimes, but i have to pick it up and change it. Last couple times i've seen him out i've tried to feed him a mouse, but he's totally uninterested. So... I'm just thinking.. Since he seems to be sleeping mostly, should i stop the heat lamp and UV from going during the day and just not do anything except mist his cage from time to time(will he start to completely hibernate then?) 'til the warmer months... Or keep it the way it is, and maybe put a bowl of mealworms or something in there just in case he's hungry one of the times he decides to come out for a bit? Or does it matter?
I'd rather him not hibernate at all, 'cause it sucks not seeing him ever. But i don't think i have a choice, heh.

Tegus know when they are ready to wake up and start eating, and when they get thier mind set on hibernation it is very hard to get them to wake up before they are ready. Many tegus that are not hibernating still slow down during winter, they eat much more during late spring and early summer.

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