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So, DRAZIL started shedding early this season, right around Halloween actually when she doesn't normally start til late January. A friend of minewas over, Jeremy bales, who recently moved to some humid southern state to farm raise boas, and he recognized the signs before I did. I brought her into my local pet store, where she was sold to me, and the owner agreed, she was in SHED RETENTION. So, not having dealt with this issue since I first bought her ( first owner allowed for poor humidityand she had one toe ring off the nail ), I took their advice and soaked her more than normal, gave her steam showers, and before drying rubbed her with tripple antiseptic, to lock in moisture and heal.
This probably helped maintain her through the dry winter her, but after months of this routine, she still had dead skin on belly face and tail, flakey skin on back where she already peeled, occasional lock jaw, and she refused to eat any fruit. I started to look for more solutions; the flakey sling I found out, is a sign of dehidration, even though she drinks normally, I'm told that her dehidration is due to a lack in activity, which is caused be the offset in humidity. I searched for products to relieve her shed,locally, and was only able to find repti shed aid, which claims to assist in a dry shed... Yeah, not so much. This product I will say, has some good oils in it that will add luster to their scales, and loosen the edges of dry skin, but it is not effective as an exfolient. I finally decided it is time to fund the right thing, no home remedies, no cheap subs... I came across zoo meds shed ease in reptiledirect, for a relatively inexpensive cost. Thus product claims to remove all shed in at most 2x 20 min baths. Not many reviews out the so we'll see. And with the thought of already making an e purchase, I knuckles down and spent the dough to get the zoo med fogger and hygrotherm controller I had been putting off til the new terrarium was built. No more soaking chips, no more wet towel over the screen, my baby's movin' up in the world today.
The point of this post, is to express how I think we all should feel about our pets ... No matter what you try, and it doesn't work, keep trying... No matter what it costs, buy it... Your pet can't tell you what's wrong, its your job to notice, and your responsibility to take care of it, you made this obligation the day you brought them home. As for me, I'm Gunna do whatever it takes to ensure the health and happiness of my baby, DRAZIL.
This probably helped maintain her through the dry winter her, but after months of this routine, she still had dead skin on belly face and tail, flakey skin on back where she already peeled, occasional lock jaw, and she refused to eat any fruit. I started to look for more solutions; the flakey sling I found out, is a sign of dehidration, even though she drinks normally, I'm told that her dehidration is due to a lack in activity, which is caused be the offset in humidity. I searched for products to relieve her shed,locally, and was only able to find repti shed aid, which claims to assist in a dry shed... Yeah, not so much. This product I will say, has some good oils in it that will add luster to their scales, and loosen the edges of dry skin, but it is not effective as an exfolient. I finally decided it is time to fund the right thing, no home remedies, no cheap subs... I came across zoo meds shed ease in reptiledirect, for a relatively inexpensive cost. Thus product claims to remove all shed in at most 2x 20 min baths. Not many reviews out the so we'll see. And with the thought of already making an e purchase, I knuckles down and spent the dough to get the zoo med fogger and hygrotherm controller I had been putting off til the new terrarium was built. No more soaking chips, no more wet towel over the screen, my baby's movin' up in the world today.
The point of this post, is to express how I think we all should feel about our pets ... No matter what you try, and it doesn't work, keep trying... No matter what it costs, buy it... Your pet can't tell you what's wrong, its your job to notice, and your responsibility to take care of it, you made this obligation the day you brought them home. As for me, I'm Gunna do whatever it takes to ensure the health and happiness of my baby, DRAZIL.