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Mine is 11 months and still sleeps with the t shirt. he wont let me take it out. he keeps it clean and drags it back in his hide everynight to sleep with. depends on the gu
wear a shirt and at the end of the day put it in the Tegus enclosure. At the end of the next day take it out and put that days shirt in it's place...
If you leave the same shirt in for more than a couple of days it will no longer smell like you and will instead smell like your Tegu's enclosure.
That said, though I've never used 'the t-shirt trick' my Tegu does have a towel in his enclosure that he 'adopted' (stole) and drug into his hide. He also has a couple out on the deck that he lays on (he lives outside on the deck in the summer).
I'm trying it and she crawls in it through the neck hole when its folded up, its cute though when I take it out and she pokes her head out, right now she is trying to find a way to explore the ceiling by climbing the wall, not in a frantic way in a curious calm sorta way, again she is too cute lol