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So...Who's got What comin'???


5 Year Member
OK...I'm not gonna lie...I'm 30 years old and I'm as excited for those Extreme Giants to hatch as I was for Christmas morning to come 25 years ago. So, I figured--what better way to make the wait even more painful than to talk about it, right?

So, I've got a male (hopefully, based on Bobby's sexing expertise--yeah, that sounds a lot more risque than intended) Extreme Giant hatchling on order...

What about you? What's heading your general direction to augment your reptile collection?


New Member
I am in the same boat as you. I am like a little impatient kid waiting for this Tegu. There is not a day that doesnt go by that my husband and I talk about the All American from Bobby that should be coming our way in August. The wait is killing me lol. This is our first tegu so it seems to be even more exciting for us. I have already bought the cage lights and huts etc.... All I need now is the tegu!!! SO yeah I know exactly how you feel :)


New Member
I have 5 tegus with a female extreme giant on order and I get just as excited everytime I get a new one as I did the first time.


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5 Year Member
I would really want another normal Tegu but we can't risk it. If they don't get along we simply don't have enough space for a another huge enclosure. Me and my boyfriend will also be forced to live in different cities for at least 8 months because of my education. So it's really not a good idea to get another expensive reptile then we have two rents to pay. XD

I'm so jealous of you guys. :D

However I do hope to find two female anoles, Anolis roquet caracoli, for my male. Unfortunately they seem to be extremely rare.


New Member
Yeah, I have everything all set up by my couch and I'm constantly on tegu sites... the wait is killing me! I keep looking into the tank almost hoping to see a little baby in there, haha.

I have a (hopefully boy) high white b&w coming to me, so I don't have too much longer to wait. Nothing makes me more impatient than waiting for a new addition to the family.

I don't know what I'd do if I was waiting for one of the other ones! Luckily when I finally decided to go through with getting a tegu after a long while of researching (and seeing a VERY handsome boy in an exotic pet shop in Vegas a few months ago :p ) Bobby was already close to having the babies hatch, and I was lucky enough to snag a Roy/Magnolia baby.


5 Year Member
I also find it a bit unsettling that I can type ANYTHING about my life and include the phrase "25 years ago"...

I'm going to try and be a bit better about documenting this tegu's existence and growth...pictures and stats and such. I'm sure people with tegus from the same clutch or hatch-year have fun comparing with each other...probably helps keep things in perspective, I assume.


New Member
I've got a black and white male on order, my first tegu. It's also a christmas morning kind of feeling.

I've wanted one ever since I learned of their existence. Convinced the wife to let me get one this summer. I can't wait.


New Member
I got a Roy x Magnolia baby coming here in a couple weeks. I'm also possibly going to adopt a Tegu named Liz, from Pikey, and have an enclosure already tailored to the Tegu's needs. So I'm pretty excited--to say the least.


5 Year Member
DMBizeau said:
I have 5 tegus with a female extreme giant on order and I get just as excited everytime I get a new one as I did the first time.

Yer starting to develop a pretty ridiculous (and I mean that as POSITIVELY as possible) collection of gus! Blues? Reds? Extremes? All Americans? Well played, sir! I'm jealous...


New Member
slideaboot said:
DMBizeau said:
I have 5 tegus with a female extreme giant on order and I get just as excited everytime I get a new one as I did the first time.

Yer starting to develop a pretty ridiculous (and I mean that as POSITIVELY as possible) collection of gus! Blues? Reds? Extremes? All Americans? Well played, sir! I'm jealous...

Thank You, I have lucked into getting some great animals and look forward to making some really cool hybrids. :-D


New Member
I have a Roy x Magnolia baby coming in a few weeks (hopefully a female, but not a big deal either way). I must have been one of the first people to make a deposit since I made it back in February lol. I can't wait to get her.


1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
slideaboot said:
OK...I'm not gonna lie...I'm 30 years old and I'm as excited for those Extreme Giants to hatch as I was for Christmas morning to come 25 years ago. So, I figured--what better way to make the wait even more painful than to talk about it, right?

So, I've got a male (hopefully, based on Bobby's sexing expertise--yeah, that sounds a lot more risque than intended) Extreme Giant hatchling on order...

What about you? What's heading your general direction to augment your reptile collection?

you know i have that same feeling lol, but since i already have 3 tegus it make the pain a bit more beaible hehehe, but im getting one of those royxmagnolia hatchlings and an extreme giant hatchling, i got one week to decide if im going to keep them together in a 40 breeder or just build another enclosure since the 4x2x2 enclosure i was building got destroyed in a thunderstorm, but i do have all the lights, bedding, hides, ect all ready. whats funny is i have used the same hide for all of my tegus(except gozar) when they were small and now one of the new guys will be using it, sorta like a hand-me-down type thing lol!


Active Member
1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Christmas in July, who can complain about that? Extreme giant for me this year, Bobby and his tegus are the best! :roon


I've got a really young Argentine black and white waiting for me at the local reptile store. Once I complete its cage, and they make sure its eating well and healthy, I'll be going over to pick her up. I've already met her, she's really sweet. (no idea if its male or female btw) She didn't defecate or try to bite, though she was a bit squirmy. She also licked my nose :D I should be bringing her home on the 5th.


New Member
Its a pretty cool thing to get a hatchling only 8" long and see it get over 3' in a year. Their personalities change so much as they grow its fun to watch.

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