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Soaking My Rhino to help shed . ?


WHAT A chore trying to catch him !!

I decided to give mine a bath/soak to help his shedding this afternoon . He has parts of his body going through three fazes of shed . I am letting him soak a little longer today . How long is too long ? I keep checking the water temps to make sure it has not got too cold . He tried biting me again (LITTLE PUNK) so i put my finger in his mouth and he stopped right away . I sure hope he stops that . :dodgy: Do Rhinos need to be soak to help shed , their whole lives ? The humidity is fine ,45 during the day , 75 at night and the days i don't soak him i spray him down twice a day . I also spray his food down and he pees and poops like crazy so he's not dehydrated . Once in the bath he ''Seems'' to calm down . He did eat a peace of fig out of my hand ,while i was holding him for a few minutes just after i took him out of the bath , and just before i put him back in his cage .

Thanks for any info !!! :)


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I don't soak mine at all and he sheds just fine. Humidity is about 75% on the cool side and 45% on the hot side.


5 Year Member
RobK. said:
WHAT A chore trying to catch him !!

I decided to give mine a bath/soak to help his shedding this afternoon . He has parts of his body going through three fazes of shed . I am letting him soak a little longer today . How long is too long ? I keep checking the water temps to make sure it has not got too cold . He tried biting me again (LITTLE PUNK) so i put my finger in his mouth and he stopped right away . I sure hope he stops that . :dodgy: Do Rhinos need to be soak to help shed , their whole lives ? The humidity is fine ,45 during the day , 75 at night and the days i don't soak him i spray him down twice a day . I also spray his food down and he pees and poops like crazy so he's not dehydrated . Once in the bath he ''Seems'' to calm down . He did eat a peace of fig out of my hand ,while i was holding him for a few minutes just after i took him out of the bath , and just before i put him back in his cage .

Thanks for any info !!! :)

I soaked every rhino i ever owned,and my one rhino i have now my russets rhino from rob ehrig i soak twice a week,and my humidity is around 55% and all mine do fine.They come from dry environments in the wild.The whole letting him bight you thing i never did that with any of my rhino's i don't try to stress them out that much,i clean his cage feed him soak him thats it and i let him take to me thats just my opinion,i don't think letting him bite you is going to help to be honest with you.


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I think letting him bite you is a good thing. It shows that him biting you has no affect and is pointless for him to do.


5 Year Member
Well again i did say it was my opinion,and i mean this just isn't something i would do,i've had 4 rhino not my first,and i'm sure if i asked a well respected breeder they prolly wouldn't think its a great idea.But this is my opinion.


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teguboy77 said:
Well again i did say it was my opinion,and i mean this just isn't something i would do,i've had 4 rhino not my first,and i'm sure if i asked a well respected breeder they prolly wouldn't think its a great idea.But this is my opinion.

I'm not saying anything is wrong with your opinon or experience, just following it up with my opinion.

Why are you on your 4th Rhino, what happened to the last 3? How long have you had this one?


5 Year Member
james.w said:
teguboy77 said:
Well again i did say it was my opinion,and i mean this just isn't something i would do,i've had 4 rhino not my first,and i'm sure if i asked a well respected breeder they prolly wouldn't think its a great idea.But this is my opinion.

I'm not saying anything is wrong with your opinon or experience, just following it up with my opinion.

Well had to move out of a house i bought so the new place i moved into at the time said i could have them,and i don't think its anyof your business to thx.


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I'm not trying to argue, just trying to get an idea of what your experience level is with Cyclura. I would like to know if you are worth listening to, I respect everyones opinon, but don't want to hear someones opinion if they killed their previous 3 Rhinos.


5 Year Member
james.w said:
I'm not trying to argue, just trying to get an idea of what your experience level is with Cyclura. I would like to know if you are worth listening to, I respect everyones opinon, but don't want to hear someones opinion if they killed their previous 3 Rhinos.

Kiiled ok,they were never killed i did what i had to do,i dont care if you listen to me or not,cause i really dont listen to your opinions,again opinions.Your might think you respect others opinion but you seem to have all the answer.I'm not going to argue with you.thx


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I'm not saying you killed them, I was using that as an example. How do you figure I have all the answers. I do what peope should do on a forum a this, give their opinion or experience when others post questions. I don't believe I have given YOU any of my OPINIONS since you are not the OP in either of these threads.


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Like james.w i never soaked my rhino, i just misted him multiple times daily and his veggies, never had any problems he ate very well, shed well and pooped a hell of a lot lol, he grew nearly a foot in 3 mos. This was him at 8 mos. And 21", i really hope to get another one this summer from tom
oh yeah the pic lol duh!



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reptastic said:
Like james.w i never soaked my rhino, i just misted him multiple times daily and his veggies, never had any problems he ate very well, shed well and pooped a hell of a lot lol, he grew nearly a foot in 3 mos. This was him at 8 mos. And 21", i really hope to get another one this summer from tom
oh yeah the pic lol duh!


I don't see a pic.


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He was from tom crutchfield out of fredXwilma the same pair that produced robk's rhino


James and reptastic

I think i will not soak mine anymore . He eats better on days i don't , less stressed. Yesterday i soaked him longer and today he didn't eat much at all , and seems as stressed as when i first got him . So i am going to avoid him for a few days .

I would cut James some slack i thought the same thing, when you said you had your 4th rhino . :huh:


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I would agree soaking him could be causing stress. You are using the humidifier in both the cage and the room, so he should be fine on his own.


reptastic said:
Like james.w i never soaked my rhino, i just misted him multiple times daily and his veggies, never had any problems he ate very well, shed well and pooped a hell of a lot lol, he grew nearly a foot in 3 mos. This was him at 8 mos. And 21", i really hope to get another one this summer from tom
oh yeah the pic lol duh!


He's one was one of the best looking Rhino's i had ever seen , and i felt so very very sad for your loss .:( I hope things are going better !!!!!!!!!!!!

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