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Socializing with an adult post bite


New Member
Hi everyone! As the title states I am seeking advice with how to approach socializing after suffering a bite.

The backstory..

My fiancé and I are currently fostering a male blue tegu (3 years old) from our local reptile rescue.

As this is our first experience working with tegus we wanted to take a slow approach to handling/socializing as we did not know his behavior quite yet.

With a week to become familiar with his enclosure and the room it is in we started letting him roam the house daily and he seemed quite curious and enjoyed wandering.

He did not come up to us or let us touch him through this period which didn’t bother us so we just kept the same routine slowly working towards even playing with some toys for his and our enjoyment.

As of today we have had him for 6 weeks.

We were set to adopt him until I suffered the bite.

I understand through all accounts that I made a mistake. With the lack of footwear, not having my eyes on him, and a sudden jerk of the foot. I was practically asking for it.

None the less, I was traumatized for the first week after and I ceased socialization while focusing on my injured foot.

During the past 2 weeks he has gone into shed and is now (8-12-24) shedding on his face. I figured his behavior might be more.. Irritable at this moment due to it but I am still wanting to try to interact some way.

For anyone who has experience working with goos what would you recommend with re approaching him?

I understand I need to break through my wall of fear but the steps and pace are what I am lost on if anyone can help.

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