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SOME ONE TELL ME! Columbian tegus


New Member
Some one tell me every thing i need to know about columbian tegus.

Adult size?
Adult weight?
Earliest i can tell male or female?
Temperature, hot side? cold side?
Humidity level?
what time of year they hibernate?
Growth rate? *i know it depends on conditions and diet, just give me a ballpark*

How much do they differ from argentine black and white?
Is my tegu called a columbian black and white? goldish down it's back scales and black and white tale.

any and all info much appreciated, thank you all :)


New Member
It would be MUCH more effective if you started researching on your own: searching on google, looking through care sheets, reading through threads on this and other Tegu forums, then come here and post what you know so far, and ask questions about gaps you cannot fill in. Not only that but the information will stick with you much better if you find it yourself. Columbian Tegu information is no secret, and quite easy to find, start looking around, I'm sure there will be plenty willing to fill in specific answers along the way.

Here's some very good care sheets to start you off:
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.tegusforsale.com/tegucare.htm" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.tegusforsale.com/tegucare.htm</a><!-- m -->
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.teguterra.com/tegucaresheet.htm" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.teguterra.com/tegucaresheet.htm</a><!-- m -->

These are both aimed at the Argentine variety, although their care needs are very similar.


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5 Year Member
Just to get your started, by no means is this everything.

Adult size? Around 4 feet
Adult weight? Taking a guess here and saying about 6lbs (tend to be skinnier than Arg)
Earliest i can tell male or female? Most tegus its about a year and a half depending.
Temperament? ranges from bitty and flighty to puppy dog tame, all depends on how often you handle them. Lately there have been more cases of people being able to tame them, a few years back i would have said unhandlable.
Temperature, hot side? cold side? For this i would say same as and Arg
Humidity level? 70-80%
what time of year they hibernate? Columbians do not hibernate, they may slow down if the temps drop but they do not hibernate.
Growth rate? *i know it depends on conditions and diet, just give me a ballpark* This is not really known too well in columbians. Even in other tegus it can be as fast as 3.5 feet in a year or take three years to get that long.

How much do they differ from argentine black and white? They differ a alot in physical appearance, behavior and feeding. Cage requirments are about the same.
Is my tegu called a columbian black and white? goldish down it's back scales and black and white tale. From what i've seen there is Columbian black and whites and gold and black, personaly i think their the same animal from different locals. Can not tell you what you go with out pictres.

Read more: <!-- l --><a class="postlink-local" href="http://www.tegutalk.com/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=8834#ixzz1FMGC1q7a" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">viewtopic.php?f=10&t=8834#ixzz1FMGC1q7a</a><!-- l -->

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