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Man I would be so pissed if anyone hurt any of my pets. And there not even that nice. If someone Took a tegu from I would go full on axe murder on them. I would not have been able to handle it.
I have been checking all the time and calling the reptile stores! Most likely who ever stole it kept as a pet or idk if they even knew what it was.. but it's such a bummer though white red male tegus are usually just as much as blues.
Dang. That must suck then. How old was it when it got stolen? Also was the enclosure in the house? If it was, I would think it’s someone who knows you have one.
The enclosure is in reptile room completely separate from the house it's a building inside of garage. Which previously wasn't locked only few ppl knew they were there. My dad my gf who lives with me. Her parents and 2 of my friends and my gfs dad told 2 buddies. So it had to of been those 2 fuckers.. but now I upgraded the security I put a black out steel security door in front of wooden door and black out steel bars on inside as well
Actually amazing news someone must of decided to return him because he was looking super ruff because I found a box outside of reptile room n opened super carefully because I heard something inside it and it was him!!!
I can't believe he was brought back! People obviously didn't feed him because his future mate was smaller than him now hes way smaller. But people dont realize they need high humidity specially reds! I think a novice keeper could but would need to do research. I'm just so happy hes back