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Seasonal metabolic depression, substrate utilisation and changes in scaling
patterns during the first year cycle of tegu lizards (Tupinambis merianae)
Silvia Cristina R. de Souza1,*, JosÃ?Æ?Ã?© Eduardo de Carvalho1, Augusto S. Abe2,
JosÃ?Æ?Ã?© Eduardo P. W. Bicudo1 and Marilene S. C. Bianconcini1
1Departamento de Fisiologia, Instituto de BiociÃ?Æ?Ã?ªncias, Universidade de SÃ?Æ?Ã?£o Paulo, 05508-900 SÃ?Æ?Ã?£o Paulo, SP, Brazil
and 2Departamento de Zoologia, Instituto de BiociÃ?Æ?Ã?ªncias, Universidade Estadual Paulista, Caixa Postal 199,
13506-900 Rio Claro, SP, Brazil
*Author for correspondence (e-mail: <!-- e --><a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a><!-- e -->)
Accepted 16 October 2003
Seasonal metabolic depression, substrate utilisation and changes in scaling
patterns during the first year cycle of tegu lizards (Tupinambis merianae)
Silvia Cristina R. de Souza1,*, JosÃ?Æ?Ã?© Eduardo de Carvalho1, Augusto S. Abe2,
JosÃ?Æ?Ã?© Eduardo P. W. Bicudo1 and Marilene S. C. Bianconcini1
1Departamento de Fisiologia, Instituto de BiociÃ?Æ?Ã?ªncias, Universidade de SÃ?Æ?Ã?£o Paulo, 05508-900 SÃ?Æ?Ã?£o Paulo, SP, Brazil
and 2Departamento de Zoologia, Instituto de BiociÃ?Æ?Ã?ªncias, Universidade Estadual Paulista, Caixa Postal 199,
13506-900 Rio Claro, SP, Brazil
*Author for correspondence (e-mail: <!-- e --><a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a><!-- e -->)
Accepted 16 October 2003
The Journal of Experimental Biology 207, 307-318 307
Published by The Company of Biologists 2004
The tegus increase in body mass after hatching until
early autumn, when the energy intake becomes gradually
reduced. Resting rates of oxygen consumption in winter
drop to 20% of the values in the active season
OÃ?â??Ã?·=0.0636Ã?â??Ã?·mlÃ?â??Ã?·gÃ?¢ââ??‰â?¬Å?1Ã?â??Ã?·hÃ?¢ââ??‰â?¬Å?1) and are nearly temperature
insensitive over the range of 17Ã?¢ââ??‰â?¬Å?25Ã?â??Ã?°C (Q10=1.55). During
dormancy, plasma glucose levels are 60% lower than those
in active animals, while total protein, total lipids and b-
hydroxybutyrate are elevated by 24%, 43% and 113%,
respectively. In addition, a significant depletion of liver
carbohydrate (50%) and of fat deposited in the visceral fat
bodies (24%) and in the tail (25%) and a slight loss of
skeletal muscle protein (14%) were measured halfway
through the inactive period. Otherwise, glycogen content
is increased 4-fold in the brain and 2.3-fold in the heart of
dormant lizards, declining by the onset of arousal. During
early arousal, the young tegus are still anorexic, although
V .
OÃ?â??Ã?· is significantly greater than winter rates. The fat
deposits analysed are further reduced (62% and 45%,
respectively) and there is a large decrease in tail muscle
protein (50%) together with a significant increase in
glycogen (2Ã?¢ââ??‰â?¬Å?3-fold) and an increase in plasma glucose
(40%), which suggests a role for gluconeogenesis as a
supplementary energy source in arousing animals. No
change is detectable in citrate synthase activity, but b-
hydroxyacyl CoA dehydrogenase activities are strongly
affected by season, reaching a 3-fold and 5-fold increase
in the liver tissue of winter and arousing animals,
respectively, and becoming reduced by half in skeletal
muscle and heart of winter animals compared with late
fall or spring active individuals. From hatching to late
autumn, the increase of the fat body mass relatively to
body mass is disproportionate (b=1.44), and the mass
exponent changes significantly to close to 1.0 during the
fasting period. The concomitant shift in the V
OÃ?â??Ã?· mass
exponent in early autumn (b=0.75) to values significantly
greater than 1.0 in late autumn and during winter
dormancy indicates an allometric effect on the degree of
metabolic depression related to the size of the fat stores
and suggests greater energy conservation in the smaller
Key words: dormancy, fasting, oxygen consumption, metabolic
depression, scaling, lipid, glycogen, HOAD, CS, lizard, tegu,
Tupinambis merianae.
Seasonal metabolic depression, substrate utilisation and changes in scaling
patterns during the first year cycle of tegu lizards (Tupinambis merianae)
Silvia Cristina R. de Souza1,*, JosÃ?Æ?Ã?© Eduardo de Carvalho1, Augusto S. Abe2,
JosÃ?Æ?Ã?© Eduardo P. W. Bicudo1 and Marilene S. C. Bianconcini1
1Departamento de Fisiologia, Instituto de BiociÃ?Æ?Ã?ªncias, Universidade de SÃ?Æ?Ã?£o Paulo, 05508-900 SÃ?Æ?Ã?£o Paulo, SP, Brazil
and 2Departamento de Zoologia, Instituto de BiociÃ?Æ?Ã?ªncias, Universidade Estadual Paulista, Caixa Postal 199,
13506-900 Rio Claro, SP, Brazil
*Author for correspondence (e-mail: <!-- e --><a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a><!-- e -->)
Accepted 16 October 2003 Over the past two decades, the mechanisms of torpor have
been investigated most amply in small mammals that hibernate
in cold environments and involve modulation of the control of
appetite and fattening, thermoregulation, blood clotting and
other functions associated with seasonal fluctuations in
temperature and food supply in normoxic environments (Boyer
and Barnes, 1999; Guppy and Withers, 1999). The ability to
transform a euthermic pattern into dormancy and torpor
apparently constitutes a widespread feature in the endotherms,
as suggested by growing evidence on mammals and birds from
tropical and subtropical climates, which exhibit a state of
torpor during the cool-dry season or during the daytime when
food intake is halted (Bicudo, 1996; Ortmann et al., 1996;
Schmid and Speakman, 2000).
In addition to these classical model systems, many lower
vertebrates are known to enter a state of reduced metabolism
over winter or under the combined influence of air temperature
and relative humidity (Pinder et al., 1992; Abe, 1995; Guppy
and Withers, 1999; Storey, 2002). The metabolic correlates of
seasonality in these animals probably share some fundamental
attributes with mammalian species that undergo a fasting
period during the annual cycle. For example, a substantial
proportion of the energy supply during the hypometabolic state
may derive from lipid oxidation, and the carbohydrate stores 308
apparently constitute a limited potential for sustaining energy
expenditure at the whole body level, as opposed to the
adjustments seen under anoxic conditions (Storey, 1996).
Remarkably, unlike the situation in mammal and bird species,
a large reduction in aerobic metabolism can be achieved in
the lower vertebrates without the predominant effect on the
energy requirements associated with endothermy and a
high thermoregulatory capacity. The regulatory mechanisms
involved in metabolic depression appear to be coupled to an
endogenous, circannual rhythm superimposed on the circadian
pattern of thermal behaviour and locomotor activity, as shown
in terrestrial reptiles (Hismiller and Heldmaier, 1988; FoÃ?Æ?Ã? et
al., 1994). These aspects have been studied in detail in only a
few species, and considerable research remains to be done in
order to identify the general principles of regulation acting on
these events.
Another largely unstudied aspect of seasonal fasting and
hypometabolism concerns how these profound changes
develop in newly born animals of small body mass and limited
capacity to store substrates. Since much evidence suggests that
metabolic depression is endogenous in nature, it is important
to investigate how early this phenomenon manifests in the
life cycle. Furthermore, the ontogenetic adjustment of the
relationship between energy use and storage capacity as an
essential part of the make up of seasonal dormancy also may
be predicted. We have begun to address these questions
by examining the occurrence of metabolic depression and
associated changes in energy metabolism during the first year
cycle of tegu lizards (Tupinambis merianae). The tegu is
widely distributed throughout South America (Avila-Pires,
1995) and occurs in large numbers in southeastern Brazil.
Winter at this latitude is synchronized with the dry season,
when insects and other food sources become scarce. An innate
rhythm is apparent soon after hatching and, in the adult stage,
the reproductive activities are concentrated in the spring
months, with foraging and energy intake becoming gradually
reduced during summer until the lizards enter a state of
continuous inactivity, spending 4Ã?¢ââ??‰â?¬Å?5Ã?â??Ã?·months underground at
temperatures around 17Ã?â??Ã?°C in the autumn and winter months
(Abe, 1995). Abe (1995) verified a marked reduction in oxygen
consumption during winter to 20Ã?¢ââ??‰â?¬Å?30% of the resting values in
lizards with a mean mass of 1270Ã?â??Ã?·kg, consumption rates
becoming nearly temperature insensitive over the range of
17Ã?¢ââ??‰â?¬Å?25Ã?â??Ã?°C. Anorexia is also a marked feature of the annual cycle
in tegu lizards and develops from late summer through early
autumn irrespective of the high temperatures and wide food
availability at this time of the year (H. R. Lopes and A. Abe,
unpublished observation).
The present study is concerned with the questions of how
fasting and the magnitude of metabolic depression in young
tegus compare with these events in their adult counterparts and
whether such changes are influenced by body mass in the
growing lizards. We also focus on the absence of reproduction
at this early stage of development, emphasising correlative
shifts in the levels of metabolites, substrate stores and enzymes
over the first year cycle. The results support the notion of an
endogenous rhythm acting via appetite control and energy
metabolism in the tegu and suggest a shift in the balance
between energy expenditure and body mass during the
hypometabolic state, related to fat storage capacity and
increased energy conservation in the smaller progeny.
Materials and methods
Animal supply and maintenance
Young tegu lizards (Tupinambis merianae DumÃ?Æ?Ã?©ril and
Bribon) were obtained from a population reared outdoors in
large pens in Rio Claro, southeastern Brazil. About two months
after eclosion in the summer, the animals were moved to the
laboratory and used in the experiments during their first annual
cycle. The lizards were kept indoors in 120Ã?â??Ã?·litre cages
equipped with incandescent lights set on an 8Ã?â??Ã?·h:16Ã?â??Ã?·h L
photo- and thermal-period, in addition to the sunlight diffusing
from outside. The lizards could freely alternate between
warming and cooling their bodies by climbing onto a small
platform or hiding in a wooden shelter among the sheets of
paper covering the box floor. The animals were separated into
small groups according to size to minimise fighting and
competition for food and were fed every two days on raw meat,
egg and fruits, enriched with minerals, having continuous
access to drinking water.
A noticeable change in daily activity was seen in the early
autumn, when the time spent on thermoregulation became
progressively shorter and food intake gradually reduced until
the lizards became continuously inactive inside the shelter. The
animals were kept in the shade throughout the winter months,
being routinely inspected and weighed every 15Ã?â??Ã?·days with
minimal disturbance. By early spring, they expelled a dried
pellet of uric acid and began moving outside the shelter,
promptly reacting when mechanically stimulated. These
changes were taken as an indication of arousal, and the animals
were then returned to the previous photo- and thermal-period,
with free access to drinking water. During the first days of
arousal they were still anorexic, and a gradual increase in the
time spent on thermoregulation and food intake took place over
the following weeks.
Minimum and maximum air temperatures were recorded
daily using a thermometer placed in the shelter area. The mean
ranges for each seasonal period were: early autumn, 21Ã?¢ââ??‰â?¬Å?26Ã?â??Ã?°C;
late autumn, 18Ã?¢ââ??‰â?¬Å?23Ã?â??Ã?°C; winter, 15Ã?¢ââ??‰â?¬Å?20Ã?â??Ã?°C; early spring,
20Ã?¢ââ??‰â?¬Å?26Ã?â??Ã?°C; late spring, 23Ã?¢ââ??‰â?¬Å?30Ã?â??Ã?°C.
Oxygen consumption measurements
Resting oxygen consumption rates (V
OÃ?â??Ã?·) were measured
during the annual cycle on groups of tegus as follows: Ã?¢ââ??¬Ã?Å?autumn
activityÃ?¢ââ??‰â??¢, subdivided into early and late autumn to include
lizards exhibiting behaviour characteristic of the onset of
dormancy; Ã?¢ââ??¬Ã?Å?winter dormancyÃ?¢ââ??‰â??¢, including fasting and totally
inactive lizards over 50Ã?¢ââ??‰â?¬Å?60 winter days; Ã?¢ââ??¬Ã?Å?arousalÃ?¢ââ??‰â??¢ for lizards
emerging from dormancy (90Ã?¢ââ??‰â?¬Å?100Ã?â??Ã?·days from the first winter
day), subdivided into rehydrated, unfed animals (48Ã?¢ââ??‰â?¬Å?96Ã?â??Ã?·h after
arousal) and fed animals (~1Ã?â??Ã?·week after arousal); Ã?¢ââ??¬Ã?Å?spring 308
apparently constitute a limited potential for sustaining energy
expenditure at the whole body level, as opposed to the
adjustments seen under anoxic conditions (Storey, 1996).
Remarkably, unlike the situation in mammal and bird species,
a large reduction in aerobic metabolism can be achieved in
the lower vertebrates without the predominant effect on the
energy requirements associated with endothermy and a
high thermoregulatory capacity. The regulatory mechanisms
involved in metabolic depression appear to be coupled to an
endogenous, circannual rhythm superimposed on the circadian
pattern of thermal behaviour and locomotor activity, as shown
in terrestrial reptiles (Hismiller and Heldmaier, 1988; FoÃ?Æ?Ã? et
al., 1994). These aspects have been studied in detail in only a
few species, and considerable research remains to be done in
order to identify the general principles of regulation acting on
these events.
Another largely unstudied aspect of seasonal fasting and
hypometabolism concerns how these profound changes
develop in newly born animals of small body mass and limited
capacity to store substrates. Since much evidence suggests that
metabolic depression is endogenous in nature, it is important
to investigate how early this phenomenon manifests in the
life cycle. Furthermore, the ontogenetic adjustment of the
relationship between energy use and storage capacity as an
essential part of the make up of seasonal dormancy also may
be predicted. We have begun to address these questions
by examining the occurrence of metabolic depression and
associated changes in energy metabolism during the first year
cycle of tegu lizards (Tupinambis merianae). The tegu is
widely distributed throughout South America (Avila-Pires,
1995) and occurs in large numbers in southeastern Brazil.
Winter at this latitude is synchronized with the dry season,
when insects and other food sources become scarce. An innate
rhythm is apparent soon after hatching and, in the adult stage,
the reproductive activities are concentrated in the spring
months, with foraging and energy intake becoming gradually
reduced during summer until the lizards enter a state of
continuous inactivity, spending 4Ã?¢ââ??‰â?¬Å?5Ã?â??Ã?·months underground at
temperatures around 17Ã?â??Ã?°C in the autumn and winter months
(Abe, 1995). Abe (1995) verified a marked reduction in oxygen
consumption during winter to 20Ã?¢ââ??‰â?¬Å?30% of the resting values in
lizards with a mean mass of 1270Ã?â??Ã?·kg, consumption rates
becoming nearly temperature insensitive over the range of
17Ã?¢ââ??‰â?¬Å?25Ã?â??Ã?°C. Anorexia is also a marked feature of the annual cycle
in tegu lizards and develops from late summer through early
autumn irrespective of the high temperatures and wide food
availability at this time of the year (H. R. Lopes and A. Abe,
unpublished observation).
The present study is concerned with the questions of how
fasting and the magnitude of metabolic depression in young
tegus compare with these events in their adult counterparts and
whether such changes are influenced by body mass in the
growing lizards. We also focus on the absence of reproduction
at this early stage of development, emphasising correlative
shifts in the levels of metabolites, substrate stores and enzymes
over the first year cycle. The results support the notion of an
endogenous rhythm acting via appetite control and energy
metabolism in the tegu and suggest a shift in the balance
between energy expenditure and body mass during the
hypometabolic state, related to fat storage capacity and
increased energy conservation in the smaller progeny.
Materials and methods
Animal supply and maintenance
Young tegu lizards (Tupinambis merianae DumÃ?Æ?Ã?©ril and
Bribon) were obtained from a population reared outdoors in
large pens in Rio Claro, southeastern Brazil. About two months
after eclosion in the summer, the animals were moved to the
laboratory and used in the experiments during their first annual
cycle. The lizards were kept indoors in 120Ã?â??Ã?·litre cages
equipped with incandescent lights set on an 8Ã?â??Ã?·h:16Ã?â??Ã?·h L
photo- and thermal-period, in addition to the sunlight diffusing
from outside. The lizards could freely alternate between
warming and cooling their bodies by climbing onto a small
platform or hiding in a wooden shelter among the sheets of
paper covering the box floor. The animals were separated into
small groups according to size to minimise fighting and
competition for food and were fed every two days on raw meat,
egg and fruits, enriched with minerals, having continuous
access to drinking water.
A noticeable change in daily activity was seen in the early
autumn, when the time spent on thermoregulation became
progressively shorter and food intake gradually reduced until
the lizards became continuously inactive inside the shelter. The
animals were kept in the shade throughout the winter months,
being routinely inspected and weighed every 15Ã?â??Ã?·days with
minimal disturbance. By early spring, they expelled a dried
pellet of uric acid and began moving outside the shelter,
promptly reacting when mechanically stimulated. These
changes were taken as an indication of arousal, and the animals
were then returned to the previous photo- and thermal-period,
with free access to drinking water. During the first days of
arousal they were still anorexic, and a gradual increase in the
time spent on thermoregulation and food intake took place over
the following weeks.
Minimum and maximum air temperatures were recorded
daily using a thermometer placed in the shelter area. The mean
ranges for each seasonal period were: early autumn, 21Ã?¢ââ??‰â?¬Å?26Ã?â??Ã?°C;
late autumn, 18Ã?¢ââ??‰â?¬Å?23Ã?â??Ã?°C; winter, 15Ã?¢ââ??‰â?¬Å?20Ã?â??Ã?°C; early spring,
20Ã?¢ââ??‰â?¬Å?26Ã?â??Ã?°C; late spring, 23Ã?¢ââ??‰â?¬Å?30Ã?â??Ã?°C.
Oxygen consumption measurements
Resting oxygen consumption rates (V
OÃ?â??Ã?·) were measured
during the annual cycle on groups of tegus as follows: Ã?¢ââ??¬Ã?Å?autumn
activityÃ?¢ââ??‰â??¢, subdivided into early and late autumn to include
lizards exhibiting behaviour characteristic of the onset of
dormancy; Ã?¢ââ??¬Ã?Å?winter dormancyÃ?¢ââ??‰â??¢, including fasting and totally
inactive lizards over 50Ã?¢ââ??‰â?¬Å?60 winter days; Ã?¢ââ??¬Ã?Å?arousalÃ?¢ââ??‰â??¢ for lizards
emerging from dormancy (90Ã?¢ââ??‰â?¬Å?100Ã?â??Ã?·days from the first winter
day), subdivided into rehydrated, unfed animals (48Ã?¢ââ??‰â?¬Å?96Ã?â??Ã?·h after
arousal) and fed animals (~1Ã?â??Ã?·week after arousal); Ã?¢ââ??¬Ã?Å?spring308
apparently constitute a limited potential for sustaining energy
expenditure at the whole body level, as opposed to the
adjustments seen under anoxic conditions (Storey, 1996).
Remarkably, unlike the situation in mammal and bird species,
a large reduction in aerobic metabolism can be achieved in
the lower vertebrates without the predominant effect on the
energy requirements associated with endothermy and a
high thermoregulatory capacity. The regulatory mechanisms
involved in metabolic depression appear to be coupled to an
endogenous, circannual rhythm superimposed on the circadian
pattern of thermal behaviour and locomotor activity, as shown
in terrestrial reptiles (Hismiller and Heldmaier, 1988; FoÃ?Æ?Ã? et
al., 1994). These aspects have been studied in detail in only a
few species, and considerable research remains to be done in
order to identify the general principles of regulation acting on
these events.
Another largely unstudied aspect of seasonal fasting and
hypometabolism concerns how these profound changes
develop in newly born animals of small body mass and limited
capacity to store substrates. Since much evidence suggests that
metabolic depression is endogenous in nature, it is important
to investigate how early this phenomenon manifests in the
life cycle. Furthermore, the ontogenetic adjustment of the
relationship between energy use and storage capacity as an
essential part of the make up of seasonal dormancy also may
be predicted. We have begun to address these questions
by examining the occurrence of metabolic depression and
associated changes in energy metabolism during the first year
cycle of tegu lizards (Tupinambis merianae). The tegu is
widely distributed throughout South America (Avila-Pires,
1995) and occurs in large numbers in southeastern Brazil.
Winter at this latitude is synchronized with the dry season,
when insects and other food sources become scarce. An innate
rhythm is apparent soon after hatching and, in the adult stage,
the reproductive activities are concentrated in the spring
months, with foraging and energy intake becoming gradually
reduced during summer until the lizards enter a state of
continuous inactivity, spending 4Ã?¢ââ??‰â?¬Å?5Ã?â??Ã?·months underground at
temperatures around 17Ã?â??Ã?°C in the autumn and winter months
(Abe, 1995). Abe (1995) verified a marked reduction in oxygen
consumption during winter to 20Ã?¢ââ??‰â?¬Å?30% of the resting values in
lizards with a mean mass of 1270Ã?â??Ã?·kg, consumption rates
becoming nearly temperature insensitive over the range of
17Ã?¢ââ??‰â?¬Å?25Ã?â??Ã?°C. Anorexia is also a marked feature of the annual cycle
in tegu lizards and develops from late summer through early
autumn irrespective of the high temperatures and wide food
availability at this time of the year (H. R. Lopes and A. Abe,
unpublished observation).
The present study is concerned with the questions of how
fasting and the magnitude of metabolic depression in young
tegus compare with these events in their adult counterparts and
whether such changes are influenced by body mass in the
growing lizards. We also focus on the absence of reproduction
at this early stage of development, emphasising correlative
shifts in the levels of metabolites, substrate stores and enzymes
over the first year cycle. The results support the notion of an
endogenous rhythm acting via appetite control and energy
metabolism in the tegu and suggest a shift in the balance
between energy expenditure and body mass during the
hypometabolic state, related to fat storage capacity and
increased energy conservation in the smaller progeny.
Materials and methods
Animal supply and maintenance
Young tegu lizards (Tupinambis merianae DumÃ?Æ?Ã?©ril and
Bribon) were obtained from a population reared outdoors in
large pens in Rio Claro, southeastern Brazil. About two months
after eclosion in the summer, the animals were moved to the
laboratory and used in the experiments during their first annual
cycle. The lizards were kept indoors in 120Ã?â??Ã?·litre cages
equipped with incandescent lights set on an 8Ã?â??Ã?·h:16Ã?â??Ã?·h L
photo- and thermal-period, in addition to the sunlight diffusing
from outside. The lizards could freely alternate between
warming and cooling their bodies by climbing onto a small
platform or hiding in a wooden shelter among the sheets of
paper covering the box floor. The animals were separated into
small groups according to size to minimise fighting and
competition for food and were fed every two days on raw meat,
egg and fruits, enriched with minerals, having continuous
access to drinking water.
A noticeable change in daily activity was seen in the early
autumn, when the time spent on thermoregulation became
progressively shorter and food intake gradually reduced until
the lizards became continuously inactive inside the shelter. The
animals were kept in the shade throughout the winter months,
being routinely inspected and weighed every 15Ã?â??Ã?·days with
minimal disturbance. By early spring, they expelled a dried
pellet of uric acid and began moving outside the shelter,
promptly reacting when mechanically stimulated. These
changes were taken as an indication of arousal, and the animals
were then returned to the previous photo- and thermal-period,
with free access to drinking water. During the first days of
arousal they were still anorexic, and a gradual increase in the
time spent on thermoregulation and food intake took place over
the following weeks.
Minimum and maximum air temperatures were recorded
daily using a thermometer placed in the shelter area. The mean
ranges for each seasonal period were: early autumn, 21Ã?¢ââ??‰â?¬Å?26Ã?â??Ã?°C;
late autumn, 18Ã?¢ââ??‰â?¬Å?23Ã?â??Ã?°C; winter, 15Ã?¢ââ??‰â?¬Å?20Ã?â??Ã?°C; early spring,
20Ã?¢ââ??‰â?¬Å?26Ã?â??Ã?°C; late spring, 23Ã?¢ââ??‰â?¬Å?30Ã?â??Ã?°C.
Oxygen consumption measurements
Resting oxygen consumption rates (V
apparently constitute a limited potential for sustaining energy
expenditure at the whole body level, as opposed to the
adjustments seen under anoxic conditions (Storey, 1996).
Remarkably, unlike the situation in mammal and bird species,
a large reduction in aerobic metabolism can be achieved in
the lower vertebrates without the predominant effect on the
energy requirements associated with endothermy and a
high thermoregulatory capacity. The regulatory mechanisms
involved in metabolic depression appear to be coupled to an
endogenous, circannual rhythm superimposed on the circadian
pattern of thermal behaviour and locomotor activity, as shown
in terrestrial reptiles (Hismiller and Heldmaier, 1988; FoÃ?Æ?Ã? et
al., 1994). These aspects have been studied in detail in only a
few species, and considerable research remains to be done in
order to identify the general principles of regulation acting on
these events.
Another largely unstudied aspect of seasonal fasting and
hypometabolism concerns how these profound changes
develop in newly born animals of small body mass and limited
capacity to store substrates. Since much evidence suggests that
metabolic depression is endogenous in nature, it is important
to investigate how early this phenomenon manifests in the
life cycle. Furthermore, the ontogenetic adjustment of the
relationship between energy use and storage capacity as an
essential part of the make up of seasonal dormancy also may
be predicted. We have begun to address these questions
by examining the occurrence of metabolic depression and
associated changes in energy metabolism during the first year
cycle of tegu lizards (Tupinambis merianae). The tegu is
widely distributed throughout South America (Avila-Pires,
1995) and occurs in large numbers in southeastern Brazil.
Winter at this latitude is synchronized with the dry season,
when insects and other food sources become scarce. An innate
rhythm is apparent soon after hatching and, in the adult stage,
the reproductive activities are concentrated in the spring
months, with foraging and energy intake becoming gradually
reduced during summer until the lizards enter a state of
continuous inactivity, spending 4Ã?¢ââ??‰â?¬Å?5Ã?â??Ã?·months underground at
temperatures around 17Ã?â??Ã?°C in the autumn and winter months
(Abe, 1995). Abe (1995) verified a marked reduction in oxygen
consumption during winter to 20Ã?¢ââ??‰â?¬Å?30% of the resting values in
lizards with a mean mass of 1270Ã?â??Ã?·kg, consumption rates
becoming nearly temperature insensitive over the range of
17Ã?¢ââ??‰â?¬Å?25Ã?â??Ã?°C. Anorexia is also a marked feature of the annual cycle
in tegu lizards and develops from late summer through early
autumn irrespective of the high temperatures and wide food
availability at this time of the year (H. R. Lopes and A. Abe,
unpublished observation).
The present study is concerned with the questions of how
fasting and the magnitude of metabolic depression in young
tegus compare with these events in their adult counterparts and
whether such changes are influenced by body mass in the
growing lizards. We also focus on the absence of reproduction
at this early stage of development, emphasising correlative
shifts in the levels of metabolites, substrate stores and enzymes
over the first year cycle. The results support the notion of an
endogenous rhythm acting via appetite control and energy
metabolism in the tegu and suggest a shift in the balance
between energy expenditure and body mass during the
hypometabolic state, related to fat storage capacity and
increased energy conservation in the smaller progeny.
Materials and methods
Animal supply and maintenance
Young tegu lizards (Tupinambis merianae DumÃ?Æ?Ã?©ril and
Bribon) were obtained from a population reared outdoors in
large pens in Rio Claro, southeastern Brazil. About two months
after eclosion in the summer, the animals were moved to the
laboratory and used in the experiments during their first annual
cycle. The lizards were kept indoors in 120Ã?â??Ã?·litre cages
equipped with incandescent lights set on an 8Ã?â??Ã?·h:16Ã?â??Ã?·h L
photo- and thermal-period, in addition to the sunlight diffusing
from outside. The lizards could freely alternate between
warming and cooling their bodies by climbing onto a small
platform or hiding in a wooden shelter among the sheets of
paper covering the box floor. The animals were separated into
small groups according to size to minimise fighting and
competition for food and were fed every two days on raw meat,
egg and fruits, enriched with minerals, having continuous
access to drinking water.
A noticeable change in daily activity was seen in the early
autumn, when the time spent on thermoregulation became
progressively shorter and food intake gradually reduced until
the lizards became continuously inactive inside the shelter. The
animals were kept in the shade throughout the winter months,
being routinely inspected and weighed every 15Ã?â??Ã?·days with
minimal disturbance. By early spring, they expelled a dried
pellet of uric acid and began moving outside the shelter,
promptly reacting when mechanically stimulated. These
changes were taken as an indication of arousal, and the animals
were then returned to the previous photo- and thermal-period,
with free access to drinking water. During the first days of
arousal they were still anorexic, and a gradual increase in the
time spent on thermoregulation and food intake took place over
the following weeks.
Minimum and maximum air temperatures were recorded
daily using a thermometer placed in the shelter area. The mean
ranges for each seasonal period were: early autumn, 21Ã?¢ââ??‰â?¬Å?26Ã?â??Ã?°C;
late autumn, 18Ã?¢ââ??‰â?¬Å?23Ã?â??Ã?°C; winter, 15Ã?¢ââ??‰â?¬Å?20Ã?â??Ã?°C; early spring,
20Ã?¢ââ??‰â?¬Å?26Ã?â??Ã?°C; late spring, 23Ã?¢ââ??‰â?¬Å?30Ã?â??Ã?°C.
Oxygen consumption measurements
Resting oxygen consumption rates (V
OÃ?â??Ã?·) were measured
during the annual cycle on groups of tegus as follows: Ã?¢ââ??¬Ã?Å?autumn
activityÃ?¢ââ??‰â??¢, subdivided into early and late autumn to include
lizards exhibiting behaviour characteristic of the onset of
dormancy; Ã?¢ââ??¬Ã?Å?winter dormancyÃ?¢ââ??‰â??¢, including fasting and totally
inactive lizards over 50Ã?¢ââ??‰â?¬Å?60 winter days; Ã?¢ââ??¬Ã?Å?arousalÃ?¢ââ??‰â??¢ for lizards
emerging from dormancy (90Ã?¢ââ??‰â?¬Å?100Ã?â??Ã?·days from the first winter
day), subdivided into rehydrated, unfed animals (48Ã?¢ââ??‰â?¬Å?96Ã?â??Ã?·h after
arousal) and fed animals (~1Ã?â??Ã?·week after arousal); Ã?¢ââ??¬Ã?Å?spring Energy metabolism and scaling patterns in tegu lizards 309
activityÃ?¢ââ??‰â??¢, including fully active lizards 30Ã?¢ââ??‰â?¬Å?40Ã?â??Ã?·days after
The metabolic chamber consisted of a well-sealed acrylic
box, having an inlet and an outlet fixed to the top of the lid.
The lizards were transferred into individual metabolic
chambers by mid-afternoon and kept in the shade for at least
two hours prior to experiments, during which time room air
could diffuse freely through an aperture. The chamber lids
were then screwed shut, providing an effective gas-tight seal,
and V
OÃ?â??Ã?· was measured. The initial and final fractional O2
concentrations were obtained by taking two samples, each of
10Ã?â??Ã?·ml, with a gas-tight syringe, the first after closing the
chamber and the second after 60Ã?â??Ã?·min, in two consecutive series
of measurements. Prior to sampling, the air inside the chamber
was gently mixed. The sample was carefully injected into an
oxygen analyzer (S-3; Applied Eletrochemistry, Pittsburgh,
PA, USA), drawn through silica gel and ascarite and
subsequently into the oxygen sensor via a pump at low speed.
Reproducibility of the procedure was verified by the repeated
injection of samples of gas mixtures containing known O2
concentrations: the error was always less than 1%. Oxygen
concentrations below 19% were avoided during the
experiments. V
OÃ?â??Ã?· was calculated according to the equation
developed by Hill (1972) and expressed as mlÃ?â??Ã?·O2Ã?â??Ã?·hÃ?¢ââ??‰â?¬Å?1Ã?â??Ã?·gÃ?¢ââ??‰â?¬Å?1 at
standard temperature and pressure.
Measurements were performed from 19.30Ã?â??Ã?·h to 23.30Ã?â??Ã?·h.
Previous experiments revealed two V
OÃ?â??Ã?· peaks during the daily
cycle of the tegu, one in the late morning and the other in the
early afternoon, followed by a progressive drop in V
OÃ?â??Ã?· to the
minimum values at 02.00Ã?¢ââ??‰â?¬Å?04.00Ã?â??Ã?·h. In one experimental series,
resting rates were measured in six different groups of animals
at 25Ã?â??Ã?±1Ã?â??Ã?°C, except during dormancy when 17Ã?â??Ã?±1Ã?â??Ã?°C was used.
Both temperatures are representative of the mean variation
encountered by the tegu within its underground shelter (Abe,
1995). The lizards were then killed to obtain blood and tissue
samples for each specific seasonal period, as detailed below.
In the other experimental series, resting V
OÃ?â??Ã?· was measured on
the same group of animals at 25Ã?â??Ã?°C and 17Ã?â??Ã?°C throughout the
year to verify seasonal changes in the temperature effect, as
calculated from the Q10 ratio. In all cases, body temperature
was assumed to be in equilibrium with the air inside the
chamber after the acclimation period.
Blood and tissue sampling
For blood and tissue analysis, one group of animals was
killed in the morning after V
OÃ?â??Ã?· was measured, and named
according to the seasonal period as above. In these
experiments, Ã?¢ââ??¬Ã?Å?autumn activityÃ?¢ââ??‰â??¢ refers to late autumn, and
Ã?¢ââ??¬Ã?Å?arousalÃ?¢ââ??‰â??¢ to rehydrated, unfed animals. The animals were
decapitated and blood samples were taken directly into preheparinised
tubes (0.2Ã?â??Ã?·mg heparin per ml blood). A 0.1Ã?â??Ã?·ml
sample was vigorously mixed with 0.2Ã?â??Ã?·ml of 0.6Ã?â??Ã?·molÃ?â??Ã?·lÃ?¢ââ??‰â?¬Å?1
perchloric acid (v/v), centrifuged at 6000Ã?â??Ã?·g and 4Ã?â??Ã?°C for 10Ã?â??Ã?·min,
and stored at 10Ã?â??Ã?°C for lactate assay. The remaining volume
was centrifuged to obtain plasma samples, then frozen in liquid
nitrogen and stored at Ã?¢ââ??‰â?¬Å?80Ã?â??Ã?°C until analysis. The whole brain,
liver, heart ventricle, white portion of the iliofibularis muscle,
and a sample of the longitudinal tail muscle were quickly
dissected and immediately frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored
at Ã?¢ââ??‰â?¬Å?80Ã?â??Ã?°C for metabolite and enzyme assays. Finally, the two
abdominal fat bodies were removed and weighed, and a sample
of the whole tail was removed from the proximal third to assess
cyclic changes in fat content. All tissue samples were stored at
Ã?¢ââ??‰â?¬Å?80Ã?â??Ã?°C until analysis.
Analysis of blood and tissue metabolites
Blood osmolality was measured in 10Ã?â??Ã?·ml plasma samples
using a vapour pressure Osmometer (5500; Wescor, Logan, UT,
USA). Total protein was assayed in blood samples according to
Lowry et al. (1951), using bovine serum albumin as a standard.
Total lipids and b-hydroxybutyrate were measured in plasma
samples using diagnostic kits purchased from LabTest (Belo
Horizonte, MG, Brazil) and Sigma (St Louis, MO, USA),
respectively. The first method is based on the sulpho-phosphovaniline
colorimetric reaction, and the second follows the
enzymatic oxidation of b-hydroxybutyrate to acetoacetate. Dglucose
and L-lactate concentrations were assayed in
deproteinised samples according to standard enzymatic
procedures (Bergmeyer, 1984); NAD+ and NADP+ reactions
were monitored at 340Ã?â??Ã?·nm using a spectrophotometer (DU-70;
Beckman, Fullerton, CA, USA) at 25Ã?â??Ã?°C. Values are expressed
as mmolÃ?â??Ã?·lÃ?¢ââ??‰â?¬Å?1.
Total tissue water and protein were measured in duplicate
samples of skeletal (tail) muscle. Water content was estimated
by the accompanying mass loss in each tissue sample at 80Ã?â??Ã?°C
until constant mass. For total protein analysis, tissue samples
were homogenised in four volumes (v/w) of 0.6Ã?â??Ã?·molÃ?â??Ã?·lÃ?¢ââ??‰â?¬Å?1 PCA.
The homogenate was centrifuged for 5Ã?â??Ã?·min at 10Ã?â??Ã?·000Ã?â??Ã?·g and the
pellet redissolved in 0.6Ã?â??Ã?·mmolÃ?â??Ã?·lÃ?¢ââ??‰â?¬Å?1 PCA, the procedure being
repeated twice. The precipitate was solubilised in 2.5% KOH
and protein content was measured (Lowry et al., 1951).
Glycogen content was assayed in liver, skeletal (tail) muscle,
heart and brain. Frozen samples were homogenized in ice-cold
0.6Ã?â??Ã?·molÃ?â??Ã?·lÃ?¢ââ??‰â?¬Å?1 PCA, and two aliquot samples were taken. One was
incubated with amyloglucosidase at 40Ã?â??Ã?°C for glycogen
hydrolysis and D-glucose analysis, and the other was used to
estimate background glucose. The assays were conducted
following standard enzymatic procedures (Bergmeyer, 1984),
and glycogen standards were used to control hydrolysis efficacy.
Total lipid content in liver, skeletal (tail) muscle and whole
tail samples was measured in freshly thawed samples as
described by Folk et al. (1957). Fresh masses of the abdominal
fat bodies were taken as an estimate of the amount of fat in
this deposit at different times during the annual cycle.
Enzyme assays
The activities of citrate synthase (CS), an indicator of
tissue total aerobic capacity, and of b-hydroxyacyl CoA
dehydrogenase (HOAD), an indicator of the capacity for fatty
acid utilisation, were measured in skeletal muscle (iliofibularis,
white portion), heart ventricle, liver and brain tissue. Freshly
thawed samples were homogenised at approximately 4Ã?â??Ã?°C in 310
nine volumes of buffer (w/v) with a teflonÃ?¢ââ??‰â?¬Å?glass homogenizer,
using the following composition: 20Ã?â??Ã?·mmolÃ?â??Ã?·lÃ?¢ââ??‰â?¬Å?1 imidazol-HCl,
pH 7.4, 2Ã?â??Ã?·mmolÃ?â??Ã?·lÃ?¢ââ??‰â?¬Å?1 EDTA, 0.1% Triton X-100. Homogenates
assigned to the CS assay were consecutively frozen at Ã?¢ââ??‰â?¬Å?80Ã?â??Ã?°C
and thawed at 4Ã?â??Ã?°C three times for complete membrane
disruption before centrifugation. All homogenates were
centrifuged at 17Ã?â??Ã?·000Ã?â??Ã?·g and 4Ã?â??Ã?°C for 10Ã?â??Ã?·min, and the
supernatant fractions kept ice-cold until assay.
Enzyme activities were measured spectrophotometrically
(Beckman DU-70) at 25Ã?â??Ã?°C, by following the nicotinamide
adenosine dinucleotide (NADH) and 5,5Ã?â??Ã?¢-dithiobis 2-
nitrobenzoic acid (DTNB) reactions at 340Ã?â??Ã?·nm and 412Ã?â??Ã?·nm,
respectively, under saturating, non-inhibitory substrate
conditions. Buffers and enzyme assays followed the standard
approaches given in Bergmeyer (1984), and preliminary
experiments were performed to check for control reaction rates
(reactions omitting substrate) and to establish the optimal
substrate and cofactor concentrations for the final procedure.
Each tissue sample was assayed in duplicate, and enzyme
activities were described as units per mg of tissue wet mass.
Soluble protein concentration was measured in all tissue
fractions using bovine serum albumin standards (Lowry et al.,
1951), and enzyme activities were calculated per soluble
protein mass to verify any biased tendency due to a change in
tissue water content and/or to unspecific effects on the soluble
protein content. Assay conditions were as follows. CS:
50Ã?â??Ã?·mmolÃ?â??Ã?·lÃ?¢ââ??‰â?¬Å?1 Tris-HCl (pH 8.0), 0.3Ã?â??Ã?·mmolÃ?â??Ã?·lÃ?¢ââ??‰â?¬Å?1 acetyl CoA,
0.1Ã?â??Ã?·mmolÃ?â??Ã?·lÃ?¢ââ??‰â?¬Å?1 DTNB, 0.5Ã?â??Ã?·mmolÃ?â??Ã?·lÃ?¢ââ??‰â?¬Å?1 oxaloacetate; HOAD:
50Ã?â??Ã?·mmolÃ?â??Ã?·lÃ?¢ââ??‰â?¬Å?1 Tris-HCl (pH 7.0), 0.15Ã?â??Ã?·mmolÃ?â??Ã?·lÃ?¢ââ??‰â?¬Å?1 NADH,
0.1Ã?â??Ã?·mmolÃ?â??Ã?·lÃ?¢ââ??‰â?¬Å?1 acetoacetyl CoA.
Statistical analysis
A one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) or the
KruskalÃ?¢ââ??‰â?¬Å?Wallis ANOVA on ranks procedure was used to test
for differences between groups over the annual activity cycle.
Means were then compared by the StudentÃ?¢ââ??‰â?¬Å?NewmanÃ?¢ââ??‰â?¬Å?Keuls or
DunnÃ?¢ââ??‰â??¢s tests for multiple comparisons, where appropriate. The
correlations between V
OÃ?â??Ã?·, fat body mass or Q10 values
and body mass were assessed using a least-squares linear
regression method on log-transformed data, and the
contribution of body mass in predicting the dependent variable
was evaluated by the F-test. The analyses were based on Zar
(1999) and performed using SigmaStat statistical software
(Jandel Co.). The probability of error in the test results was
generally assumed to be significant at PÃ?â??Ã?²0.05.
Changes in oxygen consumption rates (VÃ?â?¹Ã¢â??¢ OÃ?â??Ã?·)
The resting, mass-specific V
OÃ?â??Ã?· decreased by a mean of 50%
from early to late autumn in newly hatched lizards. In winter,
V .
OÃ?â??Ã?· stabilised at values 75Ã?¢ââ??‰â?¬Å?85% lower than those recorded
in early autumn, with a concomitant decrease in body
(experimental) temperature from 25Ã?â??Ã?°C to 17Ã?â??Ã?°C (TableÃ?â??Ã?·1). The
neonates became continuously inactive and did not eat or drink
over at least 90Ã?â??Ã?·days during winter. At the onset of arousal,
they drank water abundantly but remained anorexic, while V
and the overall activity increased to the levels seen in late
autumn. Food intake began within ~1Ã?â??Ã?·week, leading to a further
increase in V
OÃ?â??Ã?· to values only 25% lower than those seen in
early autumn, a non-significant difference. Thereafter, the
lizards resumed intense activity, and V
OÃ?â??Ã?· values measured
30Ã?¢ââ??‰â?¬Å?40Ã?â??Ã?·days after arousal were similar to those of early autumn,
a state that continued during the first half of summer.
Body mass did not differ significantly among the
experimental groups above (P=0.333). The scaling effect on
seasonal fluctuations in V
OÃ?â??Ã?· and on the degree of metabolic
depression was then analysed in lizards whose body mass
ranged from 37Ã?â??Ã?·g to 257Ã?â??Ã?·g. The relationship between body
mass (Mb) and V
OÃ?â??Ã?· changed with season during the first year
cycle of the tegu (TableÃ?â??Ã?·1). In early autumn, V
OÃ?â??Ã?· correlates with
Mb0.75, small animals having higher mass-specific metabolic
rates than their larger counterparts. Mass exponents for the
reduced metabolic rates were >1.0 during late autumn and
winter dormancy and close to 1.0 during unfed arousal,
implying the lack of increase in mass-specific metabolism with
S. C. R. de Souza and others
Table 1. Resting rates of mass-specific oxygen consumption (VÃ?â?¹Ã¢â??¢ OÃ?â??Ã?·) and the scaling relationship with body mass in tegu lizards
during the first annual cycle
Seasonal activity state VÃ?â?¹Ã¢â??¢O2 (mlÃ?â??Ã?·O2Ã?â??Ã?·hÃ?¢ââ??‰â?¬Å?1Ã?â??Ã?·gÃ?¢ââ??‰â?¬Å?1) Body mass (g) a b r2
Autumn activity
Early 0.0627Ã?â??Ã?±0.0057bÃ?¢ââ??‰â?¬Å?e 92.6Ã?â??Ã?±14.9 Ã?¢ââ??‰â?¬Å?0.75Ã?â??Ã?±0.37 0.75Ã?â??Ã?±0.19 0.60
Late 0.0309Ã?â??Ã?±0.0033a,cÃ?¢ââ??‰â?¬Å?e,f 111.1Ã?â??Ã?±18.7 Ã?¢ââ??‰â?¬Å?2.09Ã?â??Ã?±0.47 1.27Ã?â??Ã?±0.24 0.74
Winter dormancy 0.0119Ã?â??Ã?±0.0013a,b,dÃ?¢ââ??‰â?¬Å?f 104.4Ã?â??Ã?±12.1 Ã?¢ââ??‰â?¬Å?2.18Ã?â??Ã?±0.68 1.12Ã?â??Ã?±0.34 0.52
Unfed 0.0273Ã?â??Ã?±0.0023aÃ?¢ââ??‰â?¬Å?c,e,f 94.1Ã?â??Ã?±9.1 Ã?¢ââ??‰â?¬Å?1.50Ã?â??Ã?±0.72 0.94Ã?â??Ã?±0.37 0.40
Fed 0.0477Ã?â??Ã?±0.0042aÃ?¢ââ??‰â?¬Å?d,f 113.7Ã?â??Ã?±8.4 Ã?¢ââ??‰â?¬Å?2.81Ã?â??Ã?±0.60 1.72Ã?â??Ã?±0.29 0.77
Spring activity 0.0636Ã?â??Ã?±0.0045bÃ?¢ââ??‰â?¬Å?e 129.6Ã?â??Ã?±14.8 Ã?¢ââ??‰â?¬Å?1.13Ã?â??Ã?±0.429 0.96Ã?â??Ã?±0.20 0.70
Values are the mean Ã?â??Ã?± 1 S.E.M. from 10Ã?¢ââ??‰â?¬Å?12 different animals measured at 25Ã?â??Ã?°C, except in winter dormancy when 17Ã?â??Ã?°C was used. Linear
regressions were performed on log-transformed VÃ?â?¹Ã¢â??¢O2 (mlÃ?â??Ã?·O2Ã?â??Ã?·hÃ?¢ââ??‰â?¬Å?1) and body mass (g) as described by log10 VÃ?â?¹Ã¢â??¢O2=a+b log10 Mb, where a is the
intercept Ã?â??Ã?± S.E.M., b is the slope Ã?â??Ã?± S.E.M. and Mb is body mass; a indicates significant differences from early autumn, b from late autumn, c from
winter dormancy, d from unfed arousal, e from fed arousal, f from spring activity (P<0.05). decreasing mass during the hypometabolic state. According to
the equations, a 3-fold increase in body mass leads to a 4-fold
increase in V
OÃ?â??Ã?· in late autumn and a 3.4-fold increase during
winter dormancy. In both cases, the slopes are significantly
different from that obtained for early autumn individuals
(P<0.001), and the degree of metabolic depression in late
autumn would be 30% versus 61% for lizards weighing 180Ã?â??Ã?·g
and 60Ã?â??Ã?·g, respectively; later in winter, metabolic depression
would reach 73% and 83% for the same body mass values.
Thus, size-related differences may influence either the
magnitude of V
OÃ?â??Ã?· decrease and/or the time of entry into
dormancy. At the onset of arousal, the V
OÃ?â??Ã?· is somewhat
enhanced in aphagic animals although the percentage of
depression is still high, irrespective of body mass. The slope
at this step is b=0.94 and is significantly different from that for
winter dormancy (P<0.01). When feeding reinitiates, the
exponent shifts remarkably to b=1.72 and, assuming a 3-fold
increase in body mass, V
OÃ?â??Ã?· would increase almost 7-fold. The
calculated percentage of V
OÃ?â??Ã?· depression would still be 53% in
the smaller individuals as opposed to <10% in larger lizards,
indicating that the larger the individual, apparently less time is
necessary to accomplish the transition from dormancy to full
activity. Later in spring, the slope for resting V
OÃ?â??Ã?· is b=0.96 and
within one month of arousal metabolic rates are similar,
irrespective of body mass. Body mass accounted for more than
50% of V
OÃ?â??Ã?· variability in most groups, with inter-individual
variation being predominant in unfed, arousing animals. After
correcting V
OÃ?â??Ã?· for body mass, the slope of the relationship
between V
OÃ?â??Ã?· and body mass was significantly different from 0
only in fed individuals during arousal (b=0.722; P=0.035). In
the other groups, variability was large, perhaps preventing a
statistically significant correlation.
The V
OÃ?â??Ã?· rates measured at 25Ã?â??Ã?°C and 17Ã?â??Ã?°C in the single group
used for Q10 analysis showed a pattern similar to the above.
Entry into dormancy occurred earlier that year and, although
typical early autumn data were not available, aerobic
metabolism at 25Ã?â??Ã?°C stabilised at values 77% lower during
dormancy compared with rest in spring. A significant decrease
was seen at 17Ã?â??Ã?°C, the magnitude being less along this lower
temperature line (55%). There was no statistical difference
between V
OÃ?â??Ã?· values at these two temperatures during late
autumn or winter dormancy, and the calculated Q10 is ~1.5 for
these two groups (TableÃ?â??Ã?·2). During early arousal, there was a
significant difference between the V
OÃ?â??Ã?· values measured at 25Ã?â??Ã?°C
and 17Ã?â??Ã?°C, causing an increase in Q10 values prior to food
intake, which then further increased to almost 3.0 after feeding
was reinitiated, increasing above this value in active spring
individuals. Statistical analysis failed to show any significant
correlation between body size and the Q10 effect in most
groups in this experimental series, possibly due to the reduced
sample size (N=6). An exception, however, was the spring
activity group, in which a strong correlation was found
(r2=0.90; P<0.004). The extremely high mass exponent
(b=9.35) suggests a much greater temperature sensitivity of V
between 17Ã?â??Ã?°C and 25Ã?â??Ã?°C in larger individuals at this period of
the first annual cycle.
Changes in body mass and composition
The tegus weighed ~15Ã?â??Ã?·g upon hatching and, in the
laboratory, their mass increased by 5Ã?¢ââ??‰â?¬Å?7-fold during the 4Ã?¢ââ??‰â?¬Å?5
months up to mid-autumn. Thereafter, feeding and other
activities became gradually reduced, and mass loss during
dormancy reached 15% of the maximum mass in late autumn,
as calculated on an individual basis for six animals (TableÃ?â??Ã?·2).
More than half of this loss (62%) was quickly offset after water
intake during the first days of arousal, suggesting that mass
change is partially due to evaporative water loss, besides the
use of other body stores. Body mass increased at progressively
higher rates after feeding was reinitiated and increased more
than 10-fold in the young lizards by the end of the first year
During dormancy, plasma protein concentration increased
concomitantly with a peak in osmolality, which also increased
slightly in the late autumn and arousal groups compared with
active spring animals (TableÃ?â??Ã?·3). There was a significant drop
in the water content of skeletal (tail) muscle during dormancy,
suggesting some loss of fluid from tissue compartments. Other
changes during dormancy included a pronounced drop in
circulating glucose to 40% and an increase in the levels of total
protein (24%), lipids (43%) and b-hydroxybutyrate (113%) in
relation to spring activity values (TableÃ?â??Ã?·3). Particularly
interesting is the almost completely restored glucose levels in
arousing animals before food intake. Blood lactate did not
change significantly, an indication that there is no substantial
alteration in the rates of anaerobic glycolysis associated with
metabolic depression in the tegu.Table 2. Q10 values (mean Ã?â??Ã?± S.E.M.) for the seasonal change
in resting rates of oxygen consumption at 25Ã?â??Ã?°C and 17Ã?â??Ã?°C in
young tegu lizards
Seasonal activity state Q10 Body mass (g)
Autumn activity 1.50Ã?â??Ã?±0.066 99.27Ã?â??Ã?±16.6
Winter dormancy 1.55Ã?â??Ã?±0.053 90.86Ã?â??Ã?±18.1
Unfed 1.77Ã?â??Ã?±0.073 86.49Ã?â??Ã?±16.9
Fed 2.94Ã?â??Ã?±0.012 97.26Ã?â??Ã?±23.7
Spring activity 3.54Ã?â??Ã?±0.178 178.03Ã?â??Ã?±43.1
Measurements were made on six animals individually followed
during their first annual cycle. Autumn activity corresponds to late
autumn in TableÃ?â??Ã?·1.
At the tissue level, there was no significant change in the
soluble protein content of tissues examined. Total protein in
tail muscle, however, was 14% less by mid-winter and the
cumulative loss was almost 50% in the tail muscle of arousing
animals compared with the values found in late autumn
(TableÃ?â??Ã?·4). The uric acid pellet expelled on arousal is another
strong indication of protein mobilisation during the prolonged
fast, possibly intensified by the onset of arousal. Tail muscle
glycogen content was reduced to half by mid-winter and
increased almost 3-fold in unfed aroused individuals,
suggesting the use of amino acids resulting from protein 312
catabolism as the carbon source for carbohydrate synthesis
before feeding is reinitiated. Liver glycogen is higher in late
autumn, reaching 474Ã?â??Ã?·mmoles (77Ã?â??Ã?·mg) of glycosyl units in a
100Ã?â??Ã?·g lizard, and reduces by 63% in mid-winter, while glucose
levels remain constant (TableÃ?â??Ã?·4). The liver also regained its
potential to accumulate glycogen in arousing animals,
concomitant with a significant drop in its glucose content. A
distinct trend was seen in the brain tissue, where glycogen is
consistently higher in late fall, winter dormancy and arousal
groups compared with spring activity, reaching a difference of
almost 5-fold in the hypometabolic state. Similarly, heart
glycogen is increased by 2-fold during winter dormancy
compared with levels in late fall and spring activity, suggesting
that these tissues may have the ability to preserve an
endogenous source of glucose during the prolonged fasting.
Together, these results support the idea that carbohydrate
metabolism may be enhanced before food intake at the end of
the prolonged fasting.
Before entry into dormancy, the young lizards deposited an
average of 2.7% of their body mass as fat in the abdominal fat
bodies. The size of this deposit gradually decreased during
dormancy, by 24% after 50Ã?¢ââ??‰â?¬Å?60 days of winter and by 62% on
arousal in early spring; the fat deposits were virtually depleted
in active spring animals 30Ã?¢ââ??‰â?¬Å?40Ã?â??Ã?·days after arousal. The liver
lipid content was fairly constant at 35Ã?â??Ã?·mgÃ?â??Ã?·gÃ?¢ââ??‰â?¬Å?1 throughout the
year, corresponding to 53Ã?¢ââ??‰â?¬Å?70Ã?â??Ã?·mg in a 100Ã?â??Ã?·g lizard during the
different seasons. In skeletal (tail) muscle, lipids averaged
24Ã?â??Ã?·mgÃ?â??Ã?·gÃ?¢ââ??‰â?¬Å?1 muscle in late autumn animals, showing a slight
tendency to drop in dormant and arousing animals. The fat
content of the whole tail sample was 2Ã?¢ââ??‰â?¬Å?4-fold higher
(79.2Ã?â??Ã?·mgÃ?â??Ã?·gÃ?¢ââ??‰â?¬Å?1 tail) than in the skeletal muscle alone. This fat
was reduced 25% by mid-winter and 45% in unfed arousing
animals, compared with active spring individuals, suggesting
that fat from a subcutaneous deposit may constitute another
important energy source in fasting animals.
The correlation between body mass and abdominal fat body
size was examined to test for a scaling effect on the deposition
and mobilization pattern of this energy store. In late autumn
animals, the fat body mass correlates with body mass with
b=1.44 (P<0.000; Fig.Ã?â??Ã?·1), implying that a 3-fold increase in
body mass leads to a 5-fold increase in fat deposits. This
correlation was also significant after transforming fat content
into an index of body mass (b=0.44; P=0.020), confirming that,
on entry into dormancy, larger animals possess substantially
more fat per unit mass available in this deposit. Halfway
through dormancy, the relationship becomes less
disproportionate, although larger animals still have a fat
surplus of 18% in the fat bodies, as calculated for the body size
S. C. R. de Souza and others
Table 3. Seasonal changes in blood plasma parameters during the first annual cycle of tegu lizards
Glucose Lactate Total lipids b-Hydroxybutyrate Protein Urea Osmolality
Seasonal activity state (mmolÃ?â??Ã?·lÃ?¢ââ??‰â?¬Å?1) (mmolÃ?â??Ã?·lÃ?¢ââ??‰â?¬Å?1) (mgÃ?â??Ã?·mlÃ?¢ââ??‰â?¬Å?1) (mmolÃ?â??Ã?·lÃ?¢ââ??‰â?¬Å?1) (mgÃ?â??Ã?·mlÃ?¢ââ??‰â?¬Å?1) (mgÃ?â??Ã?·lÃ?¢ââ??‰â?¬Å?1) (OsmÃ?â??Ã?·gÃ?¢ââ??‰â?¬Å?1Ã?â??Ã?·H2O)
Autumn activity Ã?¢ââ??‰â?¬Å? Ã?¢ââ??‰â?¬Å? 5.22Ã?â??Ã?±0.63 Ã?¢ââ??‰â?¬Å? 47.4Ã?â??Ã?±2.0 20.4Ã?â??Ã?±4.2 307.1Ã?â??Ã?±5.3b
Winter dormancy 3.08Ã?â??Ã?±0.15b 1.13Ã?â??Ã?±0.16 5.67Ã?â??Ã?±0.36b 2.85Ã?â??Ã?±0.33b 53.3Ã?â??Ã?±2.2b 20.4Ã?â??Ã?±5.2 323.1Ã?â??Ã?±1.5a,b
Arousal 5.87Ã?â??Ã?±0.65 0.67Ã?â??Ã?±0.11 3.02Ã?â??Ã?±0.26a Ã?¢ââ??‰â?¬Å? 40.2Ã?â??Ã?±2.0 21.1Ã?â??Ã?±4.8 315.4Ã?â??Ã?±6.2a,b
Spring activity 7.61Ã?â??Ã?±0.97 0.90Ã?â??Ã?±0.14 3.97Ã?â??Ã?±0.40 1.34Ã?â??Ã?±0.21 43.1Ã?â??Ã?±1.5 35.5Ã?â??Ã?±6.1 293.7Ã?â??Ã?±2.3
Ã?¢ââ??¬Ã?Å?Autumn activityÃ?¢ââ??‰â??¢ corresponds to late autumn, and Ã?¢ââ??¬Ã?Å?arousalÃ?¢ââ??‰â??¢ corresponds to rehydrated, unfed animals in TableÃ?â??Ã?·1. Values are the mean Ã?â??Ã?±
S.E.M. from six animals; a indicates significant differences from autumn activity, b from spring activity (P<0.05).Table 4. Seasonal changes in tissue composition during the first annual cycle of tegu lizards
Seasonal activity state Tail muscle Liver Heart Brain
Protein (mgÃ?â??Ã?·gÃ?¢ââ??‰â?¬Å?1) Autumn activity 70.5Ã?â??Ã?±2.57 (212.5Ã?â??Ã?±18.6) 121.6Ã?â??Ã?±4.79 64.9Ã?â??Ã?±2.20 62.6Ã?â??Ã?±2.24
Winter dormancy 65.7Ã?â??Ã?±1.85 (183.3Ã?â??Ã?±10.5) 129.6Ã?â??Ã?±6.01 62.1Ã?â??Ã?±2.24 60.1Ã?â??Ã?±2.41
Arousal 63.9Ã?â??Ã?±4.10 (119.8Ã?â??Ã?±21.4)a 120.8Ã?â??Ã?±6.34 59.9Ã?â??Ã?±2.00 66.1Ã?â??Ã?±0.76
Spring activity 60.2Ã?â??Ã?±1.87 (146.1Ã?â??Ã?±14.3)a 132.6Ã?â??Ã?±4.75 61.6Ã?â??Ã?±2.22 70.3Ã?â??Ã?±3.00
Glycogen (mgÃ?â??Ã?·gÃ?¢ââ??‰â?¬Å?1) Autumn activity 0.83Ã?â??Ã?±0.24 36.2Ã?â??Ã?±6.51bÃ?¢ââ??‰â?¬Å?d 1.04Ã?â??Ã?±0.18 1.22Ã?â??Ã?±0.28d
Winter dormancy 0.36Ã?â??Ã?±0.07c 13.2Ã?â??Ã?±7.33 2.56Ã?â??Ã?±0.48a,c,d 2.59Ã?â??Ã?±0.19a,d
Arousal 1.29Ã?â??Ã?±0.28 21.5Ã?â??Ã?±3.76 1.64Ã?â??Ã?±0.24 1.50Ã?â??Ã?±0.13d
Spring activity 0.78Ã?â??Ã?±0.18 13.4Ã?â??Ã?±2.83 1.10Ã?â??Ã?±0.17 0.49Ã?â??Ã?±0.03
Lipid (mgÃ?â??Ã?·gÃ?¢ââ??‰â?¬Å?1) Autumn activity 23.6Ã?â??Ã?±6.07b,c 34.5Ã?â??Ã?±0.79 Ã?¢ââ??‰â?¬Å? Ã?¢ââ??‰â?¬Å?
Winter dormancy 11.3Ã?â??Ã?±0.90c 33.0Ã?â??Ã?±4.06 Ã?¢ââ??‰â?¬Å? Ã?¢ââ??‰â?¬Å?
Arousal 15.0Ã?â??Ã?±1.08 38.5Ã?â??Ã?±1.96 Ã?¢ââ??‰â?¬Å? Ã?¢ââ??‰â?¬Å?
Spring activity 20.3Ã?â??Ã?±3.46 29.9Ã?â??Ã?±1.14 Ã?¢ââ??‰â?¬Å? Ã?¢ââ??‰â?¬Å?
Protein values correspond to the soluble fraction after centrifugation; total protein content in tail muscle is indicated in parentheses. Ã?¢ââ??¬Ã?Å?Autumn
activityÃ?¢ââ??‰â??¢ corresponds to late autumn, and Ã?¢ââ??¬Ã?Å?arousalÃ?¢ââ??‰â??¢ to rehydrated, unfed animals in TableÃ?â??Ã?·1. Values are the mean Ã?â??Ã?± S.E.M. from six animals; a
indicates significant differences from autumn; b from winter dormancy; c from arousal; d from spring activity (P<0.05).Energy metabolism and scaling patterns in tegu lizards 313
range considered. The amount of fat mobilised during
dormancy up to mid-winter would be approximately 16% for
a small animal versus 35% for a large animal, and, therefore,
small lizards apparently utilize fat from this deposit at lower
rates than do larger ones. At the onset of arousal, however, the
slope is remarkably high (b=3.53) and the correlation is
statistically significant despite a smaller sample size in this
group (P=0.014, N=6). This shift in scaling pattern implies
ample differences in fat body size according to body mass in
early arousal, and the correlation predicts that this deposit is
virtually exhausted in the smallest individuals. The variability
was very high in this group and the correlation was not
significant after values were corrected for body mass (P>0.2).
In late spring, fat bodies are largely reduced although still vary
with body mass according to b>1, suggesting that the sizerelated
differences observed in late autumn would continue in
the active, growing animal.
Enzyme activities
Maximum CS and HOAD activities in the tissues of young
tegus are given in TableÃ?â??Ã?·5. CS activity was higher in the heart
and brain, both highly oxidative tissues, and typically lower in
skeletal (iliofibularis) muscle. The maximum activity was
constant in brain, liver and skeletal muscle sampl