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Substrate depth and temperature


New Member
I’m a new gu owner my girl is about 7 months old. because she likes to burrow I have about half foot of substrate in her enclosure - I hardly see her because of it. I’m assuming this is normal, but the substrate is so cold. How can I keep ot warm? I have ceramic heat emmiter going constantly for ambient temperature and a MVB in the hot side.
Will a heat pad on a thermostat work to keep the substrate warm? WhAt temperature should I set it too? Is there anything else that may work better? She’s in a temporary glass enclosure.
Slightly off topic from the substrate, but does anybody else use the MVB? Are they safe to use or should i be using florescent UVB like what’s recommended for bearded dragons?
I only have enough substrate to cover his whole body, no deeper. He doesn't need to go that far down. As for the temp underground, I have to imagine that in the wild the underground that they burrow in wouldn't be warm. It's a very good escape from heat. An excellent balance. Because if it's too cold, she can come out and bask. She won't let herself freeze. You definitely are doing fine, as long as the topsoil is warm you're good and she is too.
Also, UVB is the best way to go. Always is. As long as the hotter side of the enclosure is 80-90 degrees, she will be just fine and healthy. It's getting colder right now, and don't worry about that either. Whenever I'm in doubt i tend to ask myself if something would be okay or handled differently in the wild where they survive on their own.

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