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Supplement Confusion !!!!!!!!!!


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5 Year Member
I was just buying all my supplies for my new tegu that I will be getting this season from Bobby. I was adding things to my virtual cart on lll reptile ( my favorite supplier ) and I was getting my supplements and I realized there are so many different brands out there and I woud like to know which is is the best. I know Bobby claims that Zoo Med Repti Calcium is the best but I don't know if that was because it worked for him and he stuck with it or it really is the best. And don't even get me started on T-Rex and their million different vitamins. They have the liquid UV ( supposed alternative to UV lighting ), the electrolytes ( what is that ), and like a calcium and vitamin in liquid for instead of the traditional powder form. Can someone set me straight on this please?


5 Year Member
Zoo Med Repti Calcium is the best! Its pure calcium made with calcium carbonate, its the only calcium that reptiles can actually absorb into there bones. And you get a lot for cheap. Rep-Cal is good to, but you can't beat the price zoo med stuff.


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5 Year Member
You don't need that stuff. Maybe get some COD liver oil that's the only other supplement I hear people using.


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5 Year Member
I have the proper care on my care sheet, and the only product I trust is Repti-Calcium by zoo-med, the rest of the stuff in my opinon is junk. All of the rest have added D3 and crushed oyster shell as well as a whole list of other garbage in them, the stuff is just not good. Repti-Calcium by Zoo-Med is pure Calcium carbonate without the rest of the so-called good stuff, get the Repti-Calcium without D3, and use my care sheet as a guide and you will not go wrong.

I would not use liquid UV, it is better to get the proper lighting as said in the care sheet, D3 supplements are garbage.

As I have said before, many of these products that are for sale on the market are junk. The suppliers are out to sell a product, that does not mean it does what they say, or even that it is good for your animal.


New Member
5 Year Member
Are supplements really necessary at all? If the proper diet is given, and they are healthy and eat well, shouldn't they get enough of what they need from their food?

Since I've put my tegus outside in the natural sunlight, I haven't given them any supplements. Their diet is hugely varied and rodent heavy.

Not to OP: Electrolytes are wonderful if you have a sick or dehydrated animal. I consider this more medicine than supplement, their electrolyte levels should be fine if they are healthy. And you don't need to spend a fortune on that, it's basically the same as Pedialyte, available at every grocery store on the planet.

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