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Supplementing B&W tegu


New Member
I have a 1-year-old argentine B&W tegu. I have been using 1/2 ML of Repashy calcium plus HYD every other day on 2 chicken hearts.I can not dust insects because she will not eat them and do not know if that is too much or not enough. this is my tegu. and I'm worried of MBD and overdose on D3 so any help would be great


Active Member
5 Year Member
A quick online search suggests that a chicken heart contains 0.7 mg calcium and 10.6 mg phosphorus. If you convert grams to ions, this gives a calcium to phosphorus ratio of about 0.05 : 1, which is very, very low, so calcium supplementation is definitely required.

How much calcium is the next question. If you are feeding 2 chicken hearts, he is getting 21 mg of phosphorus and should get twice that in calcium, which is 42 mg on 2 chicken hearts. I don't know how much 1/2 mL of that supplement weighs in grams or I could help you figure out how much might be required, but without that conversion I can't be of more help.

There's nothing really wrong with the supplement you are using, but my preference is to not use all-in-one calcium/multivitamin supplements because there is no flexibility. You can't offer more (or less) calcium without offering more (or less) of everything else. I prefer to use separate supplements, one is plain calcium carbonate and one is a multivitamin.

It's ok to not use insects (but it is good that you are aware that they should always be dusted).

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