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Tegu Biting Self


Evening everyone, I'm hoping to get some answers or at least a little insight. Today while I was giving my 2 week old a little dip, she jumped from my shoulders onto the bathroom floor and landed on her back. It was at least a 4 1/2 foot drop, but what was startling is that she clamped down on her hind leg. I picked her up, and worried that she had broken it, tried to open her mouth to get her to let go. She was insistent on chomping down, but eventually let go, and also dropped 3 inches of her tail. I feel absolutely terrible.

She's bearing weight on it just fine, and can still articulate it even without manipulation. She maintains a hot side temp of 85F on the floor, and can get right under the light on a branch which reaches 120F, her cool side stays about 72F. Humidity ranges from 60-70% depending on when I mist, and she is fed daily. Has an MVB bulb for uvb on the hot side, and a 10.0 coil bulb on the cool side. She gets handling daily, and is still in the skittish stage of a hatchling - but alarmingly jumpy, it concerns me as I don't want her to get hurt. But could she have some kind of neurological problem? I was unable to find anything about a tegu biting themselves and not letting go. Any help would be appreciated.
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5 Year Member
Doesn't sound serious, but never hurts to take to the vet.

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