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Tegu brumating?


New Member
I have a Tegu over 3 years old we adopted in January. He use to be a great eater, lately he barely eats. 2 mice and 1 quail egg in 3 weeks. (He refuses my “meatballs-turkey, fruits and veggies; meal worms, and everything else.) He was also soaking nightly in his soak area during this time.

Today we noticed that he is in his hide and has completely closed off the entrance with dirt. Is this a sign he is going into brumation? I haven’t had him long enough to know if he is or if he’s just rearranging the substrate in his hide.

Also, if brumation, do I still keep all the UVB/basking lights on or should I just keep his night ceramic light on all the time? Any other advice??


New Member
Mine has been doing the same thing. I got him about month and a half ago and almost immediately jumped into putting dirt in front of the entrance and rarely comes out. I have only his basking light on so he can bask if he gets too cold (also on top of his shelter to help with heating in his house).
Unfortunately I seem to have gotten him at a weird time because he’s brumatimg, shedding and going through “guberty” (reptile puberty I guess?) so I’m trying to see what behaviors are for which But pretty sure hiding like that means brumation.

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