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tegu butts lifting


New Member
Okk so my tegu has this really funny behavior..whenever I scratch the the base of his tail he lifts it straight up..but at the same time he closes his eyes and flicks his tail side to side almost like telling me scratch here then here. It relaxes him he ends up falling asleep and sometimes he paws at me to scratch his tail. DOES ANYONE ELSE'S TEGU DO THIS? OR IS MINE JUST SPECIAL..


New Member
mine sticks his butt in the air too lol
i rub him from his side to his back and he pushes into my hand like a cat

hes 3 months


New Member
Okk so my tegu has this really funny behavior..whenever I scratch the the base of his tail he lifts it straight up..but at the same time he closes his eyes and flicks his tail side to side almost like telling me scratch here then here. It relaxes him he ends up falling asleep and sometimes he paws at me to scratch his tail. DOES ANYONE ELSE'S TEGU DO THIS? OR IS MINE JUST SPECIAL..
Scratching the base of the tail is sexual stimulation. That’s why their butts lift up.


New Member
Okk so my tegu has this really funny behavior..whenever I scratch the the base of his tail he lifts it straight up..but at the same time he closes his eyes and flicks his tail side to side almost like telling me scratch here then here. It relaxes him he ends up falling asleep and sometimes he paws at me to scratch his tail. DOES ANYONE ELSE'S TEGU DO THIS? OR IS MINE JUST SPECIAL..
Mating behaviors mines a female will drag her back legs walking on her front past me while I'm on the floor.pet her tail wth hand up gos her tail back forth .guess he loves you yep.they build strong bonds with there owner lol ,mine naps by me puts her head on my face like hi I'm here. Check out winston the tegu on Facebook he's crazy funny.

king of tegus

New Member
Okk so my tegu has this really funny behavior..whenever I scratch the the base of his tail he lifts it straight up..but at the same time he closes his eyes and flicks his tail side to side almost like telling me scratch here then here. It relaxes him he ends up falling asleep and sometimes he paws at me to scratch his tail. DOES ANYONE ELSE'S TEGU DO THIS? OR IS MINE JUST SPECIAL..
I will believe this as my female 20 month old red tegu starts 'mini huffing"= short bursts- until I start rubbing her head and eyes and side of her mouth. When I stop rubbing she starts her little huffs!!I am glad yours also can communicate these things. Its quite heartwarming!!

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