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Tegu can't be handled at all?

Ivyna J Spyder

5 Year Member
A lot of advice about tegu taming seems to rely on actually being able to pick up your tegu, like taking them into the bathroom or putting them in your shirt...

But my girl is pretty much untouchable. The one time I had to get her to the vet, I had to throw a towel over her and grab her that way. It was stressful for everyone involved.

She almost seems to have a fear of hands. She has no problem crawling over, say, my legs, to get to her food, but if my hands go anywhere near her she either lunges or runs.

I've been sitting quietly by her cage each day for about two months now and have made some progress, as she doesn't immediately hide anymore. She seems to want to explore the rest of the room and house, buuuut the problem is I have no safe/easy way to get her back into her cage.

For background, she's a feral caught from Florida. Maybe someone grabbed her too rough and traumatized her? No idea... But any tips from people who had similar issues would be great.


Well-Known Member
1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
I used to tease Alpha in a box when I first got him (put a shoe box in his enclosure with ahole in and when he went in to investigate id cover hole) so I could take him into my hall way or bathroom so he had no where to hide, I would then just sit reading or playing on my tablet keeping as still as i could so he could grow some balls to come investigate me instead of me chasing him round his enclosure, I also used to sit with my hand in his enclosure not to touch him just so he got used to knowing me, moving closer and closer over the next few months.

Ivyna J Spyder

5 Year Member
Update: Apparently her problem is just with bare hands???

I tried putting on my pink gardening gloves and she was just curious and climbed on my hand so I could pick her up and take her out of her enclosure. Still not 100% okay with me, but as long as she can't see my hands she's a lot better.

These animals are so weird...


Well-Known Member
1,000+ Post Club
Prescott, AZ
Hey Ivyna - I've had my Skully for about 8-9 months now and she is finally starting to bond. I have been through constant hissing, attempts to bite, and crocodile rolls for the entire 8 months. That said - there's nothing more exhilarating than when she finally surrenders. I have just started to get her trust, and you can actually feel it. She's wanting to come out more - she's enjoying (sleeping in) her baths and it won't be too long before I will try her on the floor. When I first got her, there was no way to pick her up....I had to just get to the point of touching her without anxiety to call it a good day. From there, we tried stroking her head, and then lifting a tail. Super long process. I got a lot of help from this forum, and mostly had to use more patience than I thought I had! (Skully is also a wild caught from Florida)


5 Year Member
Deerfield Beach, FL
Glad to hear of at least 2 wild caught Floridian Tegus 'rescued' by members on this forum...it means there is a system in place other than killing them...as they are invasive ! I live in S. FL...Deerfield Beach...which is about 40 miles N. of Miami on the same coast. You've all heard/read about the bad problem S. FL (Everglades) has with pythons/boas...released by owners and hurricanes. Well, this year it has been confirmed that there are at least 2 BREEDING Tegu colonies in the 'glades...both over on the east side...just south of of the Tampa/Clearwater area.
FL is a wonderful habitat...weather/temp/food...for almost ANY reptile/animal/insect/fish that gets released accidentally. A big problem ! :(


Staff member
1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Glad to hear of at least 2 wild caught Floridian Tegus 'rescued' by members on this forum...it means there is a system in place other than killing them...as they are invasive ! I live in S. FL...Deerfield Beach...which is about 40 miles N. of Miami on the same coast. You've all heard/read about the bad problem S. FL (Everglades) has with pythons/boas...released by owners and hurricanes. Well, this year it has been confirmed that there are at least 2 BREEDING Tegu colonies in the 'glades...both over on the east side...just south of of the Tampa/Clearwater area.
FL is a wonderful habitat...weather/temp/food...for almost ANY reptile/animal/insect/fish that gets released accidentally. A big problem ! :(
True enough, Bocacash. Florida is ideal of manu exptic spp. of plants and animals. Rodney does a good job of raising awareness and farming them out. I have four from him. Goal for new owners, however, is to male sure they don't escape.

Ivyna J Spyder

5 Year Member
So I figured I'd give an update.

She finally stopped actively trying to attack me when I put my hands in her cage! She's still wary, but no more bites which is good.

I sit by her cage each night and just read and talk to her. I don't force handling and I can't pick her up yet but I can have my hands near her. In fact, she actually has started approaching me in a calmer, more curious way. I was sitting next to her cage last night with my hand resting inside, and while she was walking around she actually walked under my hand instead of avoiding it entirely.

So, progress! Just taken about a year, haha


Well-Known Member
1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Sounds great ......... Now that she is more settled with you, it might take you to be a bit more forceful to take the next step and pick her up. Scrambling to get away is ok and will settle down but clear aggression means shes probably not ready and try again in a few weeks.


Well-Known Member
1,000+ Post Club
Prescott, AZ
Congratulations on your patience!! :) Not easy - I know. When I wrote to you last, I was referring to my Skully as a female. He's actually a hot and handsome male, and still looking at me like "how could you get this so wrong?" He's so much more tolerant of me now - we went through a harrowing experience with him being impacted when he was about 10-12 months. I think he knows I've got his back now - and he reacts more positively to me than anyone else. They absolutely bond once they let go - and Skully held on forever to his aggression just like yours does. I've had him for 1 1/2 yrs now. He still considers raising up and showing his maleness....lol... but hardly ever takes it very far. I have a sweet female that isn't aggressive at all. Her name is "Captain" and is a little sweetpea, smaller and the two of them are best buds.

I'm so glad you hung in there. I know how hard it was. Thanks for getting back about your story.:tegu:


New Member
What do your tegus look like now since it’s been a while? Keep your routine it gets easier! My Golden tegu Onyx is 10 Months old an was very jumpy an hissy till like a month ago an he just started letting me hold him and pet him.


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