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TEGU HELP!!! Hibernating?


New Member
Hello I have had my tegu for about a year now and he has always been a big eater. However for the last month all he had wanted to do was sleep or burrow under anything possible and won't eat at all. I am worried because he is loosing weight in his tail and his skin is becoming a little loose. If I take him out for some attention he is very active and acts normally but then as soon as I put him back into his enclosure it's he same thing. All his temps humidity uv Etc are perfect my friend runs a reptile store and has checked for me. He says he might just be brumating. Does anyone have another opinion or suggestion? If he is brumating should I just let him continue? Or could I possibly safely bring him out of it and if so how? Thank you so much for any replies


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1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
In nature, they overwinter during cold temperatures so they don't burn off as much energy as yours will in a warm cage. If he is in fact burmating, I would cut the heat except for his basking spot and make sure he has water.

What is his light schedule?

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