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tegu loose in yard! and uvb light help.


So today I decided to take my tegu outside and he was sitting on my shoulder when my dad slammed the door, causing it to freak out and jump into the mess of shrubs and hostas.. I have never been so scared in my life but after about a half an hour i finally got him and took him back inside.
By the way I had a quick question..
Uvb lights, I dont trust them but i'm going to go and get new lighting because all i have right now is a exo-terra for my tegu :s so I want to get what is best for him because of his twitching.. Coil, Tube, or MVB? I like the Coil bulbs because i have a few lamps i could use so i could get a exo terra 10.0? But I heard they dont work well.. And the tube? I would be getting a 10.0 as well (24") BTW, i already have the fixture to use. Would it be worth it? Or just go with the notorious MVB? The only ones around me are 70$ and any others have to be shipped. (I hate having to deal with ordering things online) But I just want to do whats best. :huh:

P.S. -Any replies would be so much appreciated and any info would be going towards my tegu and iguana which in the case i would be buying 2.


New Member
Never have them just sitting on a shoulder where they can fall or jump and can get hurt. Also I'd make sure there is nowhere they can run away and keep them in a safe area, especially outside. (if not they could run away for good, not just a half hour in the bushes, especially when they are young, fast, and jumpy it can be dangerous)

Also make sure with the uv lighting that it's uva as well as uvb, this is very important to not only have uvb. Full spectrum lighting is necessary. An extra tube 10.0 is good, but an MVB I'd definitely have with that for the uva/uvb. Also if you go to reptile expos stuff is usually much cheaper.

Bubblz Calhoun

1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Las Vegas, NV.
Glad to hear you were able to catch him. :)

Make sure he's restrained or contained when ever you take him outside. Either with a harness and leash, outside enclosure or pin that it can't get out of. Small tegus are fast, nimble and won't hesitate to climb, jump or run off in a heart beat and end up some where that you can't get to them.

When they're out, they're not only scanning for predators but also an escape route and places to hide and they remember them for the next time.

As for lights I have only used MVBs, I prefer all in one instead of multiple bulbs. Some times you just have to save up and get what they need instead of what's cheapest.


1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Central FL
I would get the Power Sun. I order from either reptilesupply.com or pet mountain. PM has free shipping over $75 and many sales. Right now they are listing PowerSuns at about $48 w free shipping. RS has them for $50 and also has the Solar Glo 125watt for $30. Personally, I prefer the PowerSuns for output and warranty. I buy the ceramic socket domes at Home Depot. I use MVB for my tegus and iguana.

The coils have a lot of issues with eye problems. They are just so intense. Someone gave one to me and I never found an animal in my collection that could tolerate it. The tubes are fine in small enclosures, but output is low, they decay quickly, and have to be placed really close the animal.

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