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tegu problem kinda


New Member
Ok in june I have a family reunion,The problem is my mom wants to confind my tegu houdini in a dog kennel for the weekend or longer because there is going to be kids and 40+ people and stuff .It just because they will probly uses his enclouser as a cut throu into the house&we dont want any accidents our our favirate pet gone.My only concern is unless he wants to be in his kennel he has a fit if kept in there very long.In his encloused dog kennel he has is safe.but by then we are going to only have wire kennels&i dont want him hurt trying to get out.I was thinking to completly tegu proff my room and let him hang out in there(can be loced from the inside and only opeaned with a key unlike his normal paradice) when he is not on his harness with me.Any other ideas?

He is 3 1/2 and about a 1 1/2 wide maby 2? now and he is already up and eating on warm and unrainy days so I expect him to be double or tripple his size by june because thats what he did last year.....I got him oct 30,2010 I was told he was 5-6 months then&he still had some green on his head..he then hibernated till feb of that year..so you guys do the math for his age.


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1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Where exactly is his permanent enclosure currently? Do you have pictures you can share? I would try to find a way to keep him in his enclosure if at all possible. It's family coming over after all and to your folk's home no less, I'm sure they'd understand if you asked them not to use a certain entrance.


New Member
JohnMatthew said:
Where exactly is his permanent enclosure currently? Do you have pictures you can share? I would try to find a way to keep him in his enclosure if at all possible. It's family coming over after all and to your folk's home no less, I'm sure they'd understand if you asked them not to use a certain entrance.

as you can tell he could eather go inside or bolt outside..

Good idea but there will be kids and they dont always
listen,forget ect and some are just brats and we want to keep everyone as safe as posable& theres no real way to put his cage on lock down or else I would.


New Member
is there a way to put a lock on the entrance so family doesn't go through that way? I'd ask them to stay away from that entrance put a lock on it and everything should be fine. I wouldn't really suggest putting it in your room? who knows what things he could possibly find that you have no idea are there. Try finding a lock and put a note on the door :) i would choose my tegu over family any day and wouldn't want to cause him any stress or discomfort just because family wouldn't listen. Best of luck!

Bubblz Calhoun

1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Las Vegas, NV.
I would keep him in a separate area too much could happen with people constantly going in and out. Since you don't have a separate enclosure your room might work best. They can scratch their nose up pretty good trying to get out of dog kennels and crates.

If you decide to go with the crate and his appetites is decent I would make sure he eats well before putting him in. That way he'll just want to lounge and or sleep it off and not worry much about getting out. Even then I would still have the crate in my room away from traffic and prying hands.


New Member
Diesel said:
is there a way to put a lock on the entrance so family doesn't go through that way? I'd ask them to stay away from that entrance put a lock on it and everything should be fine. I wouldn't really suggest putting it in your room? who knows what things he could possibly find that you have no idea are there. Try finding a lock and put a note on the door :) i would choose my tegu over family any day and wouldn't want to cause him any stress or discomfort just because family wouldn't listen. Best of luck!

unfortantly no :( the locks that are on it now are a reguar door lock&bolt lock& a flipy lock for the out side,tegu proff but unfortantly not human proof& dad said no drilling for a padlock sort of lock..)& my room would be todally taken apart(bed and all) till nothing is in it but the floor then reconstructed to make it tegu proof befor I would ever put him in there unsupervized.
Bubblz Calhoun said:
I would keep him in a separate area too much could happen with people constantly going in and out. Since you don't have a separate enclosure your room might work best. They can scratch their nose up pretty good trying to get out of dog kennels and crates.

If you decide to go with the crate and his appetites is decent I would make sure he eats well before putting him in. That way he'll just want to lounge and or sleep it off and not worry much about getting out. Even then I would still have the crate in my room away from traffic and prying hands.

someone finally agrees with my idea yay&my tegu knows my room well so its not new terratory..he should be fine in there wants its cleaned for him and the familly.&good idea about the feeding.


5 Year Member
Would be nice if it were a large plastic dog carrier you could place him in till it is all over. But no matter what crate or whatever you end up using, just make sure to keep it warm & completely cover it so it helps keep him in a calm state of mind and he should be fine.


New Member
yeah definitely keep him in your room then if you are doing all that. It's nice how much work you are going through to take care of your little guy. :) It seems too likely that it could hurt itself with a metal screen in the dog kennel. :) have a fun family reunion.


New Member
Diesel said:
yeah definitely keep him in your room then if you are doing all that. It's nice how much work you are going through to take care of your little guy. :) It seems too likely that it could hurt itself with a metal screen in the dog kennel. :) have a fun family reunion.

lol that will just be a small fraction of the work thats going into it. this is our year to host it and 40+ people even for 3 + days is going 2 be alot of work.I love him he is my favorite but my bearded dragons rank pretty high to leopard gecko's i like but not as fun..:) I think im also going to envest is cage locks for my glass aqariums too.. idk y but i have a bad feelings somethings going to happen..
RamblinRose said:
Would be nice if it were a large plastic dog carrier you could place him in till it is all over. But no matter what crate or whatever you end up using, just make sure to keep it warm & completely cover it so it helps keep him in a calm state of mind and he should be fine.

He has his own electric blanket and I can always throw a blanket over it.

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