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Tegu proofing other reptile cages?


Active Member

I've been lurking the forums for a bit and I've just put down a deposit for a 2012 extreme giant. It is going to be quite a while before I have my tegu but I figure I've got some serious work to do in the meantime building an enclosure and tegu proofing the house.

One major thing that I'm worried about is my other lizards. I have several leopard geckos that I adore and I am concerned for their safety. I know tegus are very bright and quite adept at breaking out of enclosures. I haven't seen much info on how they are at breaking in. Is this something I need to worry about once the tegu is old enough to roam the house? Do they usually show any interest at all? Any recommended cage locks or tricks to keep the cages secure? My other lizards are in fairly standard 10 - 20 gallon terrariums with mesh lids.


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5 Year Member
Are you leopard gecko cages on the floor or somewhere the tegu will be able to see the geckos. He may try to get to them through the glass if he can get close enough. As long as they are up out of the way, you should be fine.

Also if your Tegus enclosure is built properly, he should not be able to get out.


Active Member
I have them a few feet off the floor right now. I'll move them to a better / higher location before I get the tegu. I wasn't sure if the smell of other reptiles would be enough to make them investigate or if it was pretty much out of sight out of mind. Just figured i'd be safe and check. Thanks for the info!


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5 Year Member
I made the mistake of keeping my leopard geckos tank near the floor, idk what I was think but once my tegu hit 4'+ she smashed through the screen top and ate her, it was about 1' off the ground, but the tegu still managed to get on top, keep them high and make sure nothing is around for the tegu to climb up, contrary to popular belief large tegus are great climbers and will definately not hesitate if given the slightest opportunity


Active Member
reptastic said:
I made the mistake of keeping my leopard geckos tank near the floor, idk what I was think but once my tegu hit 4'+ she smashed through the screen top and ate her, it was about 1' off the ground, but the tegu still managed to get on top, keep them high and make sure nothing is around for the tegu to climb up, contrary to popular belief large tegus are great climbers and will definately not hesitate if given the slightest opportunity

That is really rough, sorry to hear it. Wasn't sure if i was being paranoid or not - I'll definitely be moving the cages and reenforcing the lids - i really appreciate the info.

Your tegus are absolutely beautiful by the way.


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5 Year Member
Id just move them higher as others have stated. Always keep an eye on the tegu when you let it roam. Guru climbs onto anything he can, couches, chairs, beds, he doesnt care.
Depending on the style of the tanks you might be able to get a lock for it. There are also metal type lids you can try instead of the thinner screen ones

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