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Tegu question

Ok so this is mainly for tegus but all reptiles... how the heck do you get a harness on them???? ive seen people get them on nile monitors and i cant even get it on a decent tame lizard. how do i do it? and what harness and leash do you recommend for a male tegu(4ish feet, maybe a bit less)

Rebecca Stout

Active Member
I need to know too. People recommended ferret harness's that are the H style. Well they are very reliable and strong and comfy. They can hold a ferret which can squirm under a crack of a door. Yet mine? I put it on her, took her outside, something scared her and she alligator rolled and that sucker's buckles BOTH popped open even though I wasn't touching her at the time. I almost lost her. So now, I myself am looking for an answer. I hope people comment here. An H is easy to get on even with a crazy gu. What kind are you trying or why cant you get it on?
i havent tried any yet, dont want to get one until there is one people reccomend and tell me how to get on. hate stressing them out and ive helped someone do it with a 5 foot nile but i was just holding the animal

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