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Tegu setups


Soo... I am getting a pair of chacoan whiteheads and was wondering what kind of setup they should have. They are adult or subadult and are proven male and female. They were originally housed in a 200 gallon or so setup, but I am not getting it nor do I have the exact details of it. I may be getting more soon, so a bit bigger is better. I was going to have them in a small, quasi natural setup with a big pen attached to it for them to roam around in when they wake up. Thoughts?


New Member
Where do you live? If the climate allows for an indoor outdoor set up then that is awesome. My single tegu is housed in a 7x3 foot enclosure built over a 5x2x2 feeding trough filled with dirt/sand. I think this is a little tight for a full grown gu but she seems comfortable. I would build a 8x4 enclosure with enough height to add a deep layer of substrate. They love to dig and burrow, and it will help you keep the high humidity you need. I like to build the enclosures on top of a feeding trough or large commercial watering tub, and use that for the substrate. If you don't do that build two boxes, the bottom of which is lined with frp or very heavily waterproofed, that will hold the soil. The top box still needs to be sealed with dry lock or epoxy and allowed to air out. Get creative and go big, building enclosures are one of my favorite parts of keeping these guys.


Where do you live? If the climate allows for an indoor outdoor set up then that is awesome. My single tegu is housed in a 7x3 foot enclosure built over a 5x2x2 feeding trough filled with dirt/sand. I think this is a little tight for a full grown gu but she seems comfortable. I would build a 8x4 enclosure with enough height to add a deep layer of substrate. They love to dig and burrow, and it will help you keep the high humidity you need. I like to build the enclosures on top of a feeding trough or large commercial watering tub, and use that for the substrate. If you don't do that build two boxes, the bottom of which is lined with frp or very heavily waterproofed, that will hold the soil. The top box still needs to be sealed with dry lock or epoxy and allowed to air out. Get creative and go big, building enclosures are one of my favorite parts of keeping these guys.

I could probably have a summer outside enclosure

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