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Tegu sleep schedule changed, plz help


New Member
5 Year Member
I moved my tegu into a new enclosure and he wasnt going to sleep in his hide, so when i got home from work and turned my room lighting on it woke him. This happened a couple of times. I fixed this problem but now he wakes up six hours later than usual and id really like him to be back on his normal schedule. His attitude is still great.

How can i correct this?

Would it be okay to wake him in his hide for a few days until he is back to normal?


mhuntley002 said:
I moved my tegu into a new enclosure and he wasnt going to sleep in his hide, so when i got home from work and turned my room lighting on it woke him. This happened a couple of times. I fixed this problem but now he wakes up six hours later than usual and id really like him to be back on his normal schedule. His attitude is still great.

How can i correct this?

Would it be okay to wake him in his hide for a few days until he is back to normal?

I would usually advice against messing with a tegu while it is in the hide.

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