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tegu sleepy and losing apetite


New Member
had tegu 5 weeks, its 8inch long nose to tail, hides away up on a shelf in viv, and sleeps alot he used to eat lots, and was more active, but now is sleeping more and more, were he hides he doesnt get uvb rays as its up higher than uvb bulb, im in the united kingdom and unsure of hibernation dates, but would this happen to him over here, bask spot 90-100F cold end 80-85F should i be worried hes not eaten for 5 days, when i pick him/her up he is active then when back in viv he walks and climbs back up to his hide, he doesnt seem lethargic, but definately likes to rest and sleep. any advice????

Bubblz Calhoun

1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Las Vegas, NV.
What kind of light are you using? I would up the basking temps from 100-110*F. Since heat rises the temps may not be warm enough for him. Which may be why he spends more time above the lights. When he eats,. what do you feed him and how much does he eat?

Tegus can go for long periods of time with out food and it doesn't affect them as long as they have enough fat reserves in the base of their tail. Depending on what you're feeding it may not need to or even be hungry enough to eat everyday. Since some foods take longer to digest than others.


1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Central FL
I would rearrange it a bit so that he has a comfortable basking spot. He is still young and really small. At that age they eat a lot of foods low in calcium. Try getting him out in some natural sunlight in a screened cage and feeding him some calcium rich foods. If he will eat crickets, coat them heavily in calcium powder. Or try chicken baby food with calcium mixed in (1/4 teaspoon to small jar or so). Even if he is slowing down, the extra calcium will help.

If you are in the UK, is it a wild caught import? That could determine if he is trying to hibernate.


New Member
ok heard him sneeze today, the uk isnt suitable for him 2 b outside, he still hasnt eaten and isnt interested in anything i offer, which is....meal worms, wax worms, crickets, chicken, he usualy eats them fine. my uvb is an exo terra, if you look at my profile pic thats my viv as u can c the uvb is under the shelf, he hides on the top shelf away from the uvb. thanks for the advice guys.


New Member
Wonder what would happen if you took the UVB out and replaced it with a sixty or hundred watt bulb for a shout time ...

Some of those bulbs have been found to be too hot with UV ...


New Member
so turn the uvb light off for a while? how long? its usualy on for 12hrs of the day also i hav a 100 or 75w bask light on during day depending on the weather, also i drop 2 a 60w red spot on a night, when uvb goes out.

also how can i get him 2 eat?


Active Member
1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
He could be trying to hibernate, and feeding him will cause problems. Get rid of the red lights, if you need night heat get a CHE. What are your temps at night? He will avoid the UVB if he is getting too much.


New Member
his night heat is about 90 at hot end and 70 at cool end, am gonna keep the uvb off for most of 2moz, c how he is, then raise it 2 top of viv, how can i get him 2 eat? i tried him with some baby food he had a few licks that was about it,


New Member
yes i understand they do hibernate, no its wooden, its on my profile picture! yes he basks but not for long hes always burrowed away


New Member
The Critter is eight inches long .. [Makes me wonder how you come to have one that little ]

You have no Idea where he came from ..[not even the continent]

Seems like the best thing to do is keep the parameters suitable for a tegu ...Make food and water available..and Pray ...


New Member
i bought it in uk, and guess its captive bred europe from what pet shop said, about 8-10 inches nose 2 tail, yes plenty of fresh water and mistings everyday also i offer food everyday, but not interested, he/she sleeps while burrowed, then pops out now and again for a wonder about. it seems weird cos had it bowt 6 weeks now, and it ate nearly everyday and quite alot 2. but its not eaten in a week now ansd just b4 that it ate less then eventualy nothing. hmmmmmm weird. im doing everything possible.

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