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Tegu tempature question


New Member
Hey Im just wondering my tegu has an enclosure with a playpen attached so she can go out and roam. She has one side of the terrarium thats attached to the pen with the uvb and a red heat lamp due to my house being cold I (from canada as well) keep that on during the night to. During the day its at 85-90 degrees in there and she has a cool siode but she spends most of her time outside in the pen it seems she likes the cold better they obviously know to go under the lamp if cold right? I followed the sticky the best I could

Red argentine tegu

2-3 years not known exactly

Right around 3 feet


4 days

She stays awake year round

4x2x2 with a big playpen attached with lots of room probably 6x6 at least

coco husk

I use a coil UVB bulb I cant remember the name repti something


4 days

2 feet

Yes 150 watt red heat bulb 24/7

I only have one thermometer (electronic) and it hangs in and the temps during the day are at 85-90 degrees and the cool side is cooler(house i got her from didnt have any heat lamps and she apparently liked it on the cooler side a bit

Electronic thermometer/humid in one

its usually 40-70 pct I use a hudmifier hooked up to a tube that goes into his age and i turn it on differnt strengths depending on the humidity already and how long im home making sure its around 70 as best I can

Chicken Hearts,Frozen mice,Scrambled egg every one in a while tiny tiny servings of it,been trying many differnt fruits using a fruit guide I found on here she doesent seem to like any fruit :(

I feed her in the morning at around 7 am Day 1 I feed a mice usually,Day 2 some chicken hearts and some fruit (different kinds im testing see what she likes) and I repeat that diet. What are some good food advices?

No supplements should I be?

Yes regular movements

No she is by herself

She is very tame and was CB the last owner said apparently I can easily pet her nd pick her up and bring her upstairs she was in a house with 2 cats and a dog before and they would all wander peacefully.

/Edit Pretty much is it bad that she spends msot of her time not under the heat lamp?

Bubblz Calhoun

1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Las Vegas, NV.
What are you using to check your temps?
If you only have one thermometer inside is it for air or surface temps?
How do you know that the cool side is actually cooler than 85-90*? which is too high for a cool side.

She's in a 4x2x2 enclosure with two heat lamps a 100w coil, that should be replaced. Coil bulbs don't have a good track record and have been known to cause eye issues. Also a 150w heat bulb that's on 24/7.

What's the distance between the bulb and basking spot?

Everything's telling me that her enclosure is too hot. Which is why she spends more time outside of it. You can replace the coil with a all in one MVB and if or when needed only use the heat bulb at night.

Also I would pick up a heat gun, they come in pretty handy with keeping track of surface temps. Along with thermometers for ambient temps.

Here's a food list to help you out with that and give you a better idea of what they can eat.


For fruit I've found that if it's not ripened or sweet enough they usually won't eat it. If I'm cutting it up ahead of time, I usually add a little sugar or honey and let it set in the fridge for a day or two. When I offer it right a way I just drizzle honey over it and haven't had one that didn't take fruit yet mixed in meat or by itself.

Until you get her diet down, continue to supplement with vitamins and calcium.


New Member
Bubblz Calhoun said:
What are you using to check your temps?
If you only have one thermometer inside is it for air or surface temps?
How do you know that the cool side is actually cooler than 85-90*? which is too high for a cool side.

She's in a 4x2x2 enclosure with two heat lamps a 100w coil, that should be replaced. Coil bulbs don't have a good track record and have been known to cause eye issues. Also a 150w heat bulb that's on 24/7.

What's the distance between the bulb and basking spot?

Everything's telling me that her enclosure is too hot. Which is why she spends more time outside of it. You can replace the coil with a all in one MVB and if or when needed only use the heat bulb at night.

Also I would pick up a heat gun, they come in pretty handy with keeping track of surface temps. Along with thermometers for ambient temps.

Here's a food list to help you out with that and give you a better idea of what they can eat.


For fruit I've found that if it's not ripened or sweet enough they usually won't eat it. If I'm cutting it up ahead of time, I usually add a little sugar or honey and let it set in the fridge for a day or two. When I offer it right a way I just drizzle honey over it and haven't had one that didn't take fruit yet mixed in meat or by itself.

Until you get her diet down, continue to supplement with vitamins and calcium.

I brought her to the vet today and the vet today seeing as she has never been I figured I mine as well shes in good shape except I should up the humidity more and overall room temp. So I bought a thermometer to measure the air temp in the room witch i have at 83 degrees now witch is about right and her basking spot witch is the terrarium is at 90-100 degress (what the doctor told me). She seems to spend her time sleeping outside of the basking area, and when awake she spends a few hours a day basking at least.

So should I get a new UVB bulb I have one with like a bar light long and cylinder should I use that instead?

And where should I be placing it her play pen or her her basking spot(terrarium)


5 Year Member
Southeast Louisiana
Her basking spot should be in the 105-110 degree range.
90 is not hot enough for proper digestion and nutrient absorption.
Also if you dont have a UV meter to mesure output youmshouldnt assume a UV bulb is working after 6 months of use, so if it has been that long you should replace.
Flouresent or MVB seems a matter of preference..
I like zoo med powersuns, as they are consistent and provide heat an UV in one.
And I second the recommondation of a heat gun, it will make your life easier and your Tegus life happier.

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