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Tegu update, and feeding question


Active Member
5 Year Member
Hi all

Things have been going good with Zilla. She finaly ate in the seprate feeding bin. I think at first only because she was super hungry. I handle her every day, and Ive even started letting her free roam on my bed. She likes to wander around and then rest behind my laptops exaust port. She will stay on the bed, as long as she doesnt feel thretened. She still doesnt like getting picked up much, but she is more tolarant. I think she is getting more used to me, but she still doesnt seek any attention from me.

Anyway, to the question. How do I get her to eat something other than crickets? Ive tried lots of different foods, turkey, fruits, eggs, other bugs, even yogert. She just licks it once and then ignores it, and goes looking for crockets. Id like for her to have a more balanced diet.

Also, is a crickets only diet bad for her? I do dust them with vitamins and calcium.


Active Member
1,000+ Post Club
Just keep trying new foods. Eventually you'll find something your tegu likes and she'll let you know. Kodo has turned his nose up at hornworms and silkworms but absolutely loves fish. If he isn't showing interest in food, a silverside or two in the bowl gets his attention. After he eats the best part, he starts checking out what else is in the bowl. Maybe if you mix crickets with another food, you'll have better luck. Kodo is a big cricket fan, too; he once ate between 60 and 75 in a single sitting!

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