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tegu walking funny


New Member
5 Year Member
hey guys. this is my second subject u guys were alot of help getting my tegu to eat normally. hes eating like a machine now eating twice as much as before hibernation. thanks alot. Now ive noticed another problem. ihope its nothing seriouse. My gu walks pretty funny outside of enclosure. His front feet seem like they are dislocated. When out of the enclosure, on my carpet for example his font feet flop around and he seems like he doesnt mind. they face inward or even sometimes upside down as he walks. I thaught it was because his nails get caught and its easier for him to move; but i cut them and hes still having the same walking patterns. I use correct uvb and calcium. and eats just fine. he is not slugish or anything either and walks upright if anoyed. (Hes actually trying to eat my under wear at the moment :lol: . any ideas on this matter please resond thanks again

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