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Tegu won't eat


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Do you mean like a mercury vapor? If yes then yes because it has both heat and uvb. But if just a heat source or uvb bulb you need two seperate ones. Because uvb has no heat and a heat/basking bulb has no uvb.


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D, I made an awesome temp tub cage for when I first got Gwangi. I will post pics.


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[attachment=6729][attachment=6730][attachment=6731][attachment=6732]Here is the temporary tub cage I made for Gwangi when I got him. Cut the top two light cutouts to match the size of your lights. I cut them a bit too big and should have made them about an inch less each in diameter. the 1/2" mesh is fastened with zip ties with the female end on the outside so there is no points on the inside. The mesh is inside the lid. I used a deep dome reptile lamp in the smaller hole and a Home Depot brooder lamp with a 50w dark red night time spot bulb in the larger hole. The night lamp was used with an inline lamp dimmer to control temps. Big Apple Herp sells a 75w MVB that should be great for this size enclosure. Get the biggest clear storage tub with locking handles you can find. I also secured it across the middle with mini bungee cords. It did the job till I built his bigger cage. I now use it to put him in when I do cage maintenance.


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Johnny300 said:
Thank you so much! Now is it the powersun or reptisun that gives off both UVB an Heat?

Powersun. But for a small cage check out the 70w Sunforce MVB from Big Apple Herp.


New Member
Dubya said:
Johnny300 said:
Thank you so much! Now is it the powersun or reptisun that gives off both UVB an Heat?

Powersun. But for a small cage check out the 70w Sunforce MVB from Big Apple Herp.

What if I can't find anyway to order that. I can only go to pet stores for now


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Johnny300 said:
Dubya said:
Johnny300 said:
Thank you so much! Now is it the powersun or reptisun that gives off both UVB an Heat?

Powersun. But for a small cage check out the 70w Sunforce MVB from Big Apple Herp.

What if I can't find anyway to order that. I can only go to pet stores for now

Get a friend to order if you can. I used a 100w Powersun in a deep dome and it was still far enough from the tegu, but I would have preferred the 70w if I had known about it at the time. The 100w Powersun is ok if your room temperature is not too high.


New Member
Yeaa my room is always hot! Like I mean everywhere else is cold haha! An even with his lights on, I keep a under tank heater on all day/night anyway. So I'm sure the powersun would be fine?


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Johnny300 said:
Yeaa my room is always hot! Like I mean everywhere else is cold haha! An even with his lights on, I keep a under tank heater on all day/night anyway. So I'm sure the powersun would be fine?

I would ditch the under tank heater. They are not good with plastic cages. I hope there is an air space between your tank and whatever it sits on. I had a stick-on UTH cook my gecko and almost start a fire because there was no air space. A mistake I will never make again. The 100w Powersun will be enough by itself. just make sure the face of the bulb is the recommended distance from the lizard's BACK, not from the basking rock. I would use a night time spot bulb for night heat. If you insist on using an under tank heater, The Zoo Med stick on one is the one that fried my lizard. I like the Cobra heat mats. You tape them on and you can remove them easily. I never had a problem with them.


New Member
Or is there anyway to mount a UVB light strip on a tub like that? I'm just getting the whole light strip :) but I only have tubs for my lizards!


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Johnny300 said:
Or is there anyway to mount a UVB light strip on a tub like that? I'm just getting the whole light strip :) but I only have tubs for my lizards!

I think the light strip will be too close to the lizard if mounted on the side of the tub. You will need a basking light anyway. I did the tub the way I did because I was using an MVB. I have no experience with fluorescent UVB bulbs.


New Member
I'm gonna mount it on my wall an just cut a row on the top so the rays can get in. I hope that will work. Do you know how far away I should mount the uvb?


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5 Year Member
Central FL
I read this on the toroiseforum.org website (another one of Josh's sites btw....shameless plug haha)

"Rob, where did you hear bad reviews on the Sunforce? I had tried one and it lasted 2 months then blew. I have since gone back to Powersun, but I am curious as to the performance others have had with the sunforce, it is significantly cheaper.

I have heard it from a few local friends, that also tried the bulb out because it was cheaper. One is a bearded dragon breeder. He bought 4. Two blew out within a month, and the other 2 after a few months, he noticed his beardeds slowing down significantly.

The other times I heard it were on beardeddragonforum.org - So I just never bothered to even try one myself."

Don't mean to dis your recommendation, Dubya. I just try to stick with companies that produce for reptiles and put some research behind it specifically for reptiles. I like the powersun myself. try reptilesupply.com


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Johnny300 said:
I'm gonna mount it on my wall an just cut a row on the top so the rays can get in. I hope that will work. Do you know how far away I should mount the uvb?

Not sure but I think like 10 or 12 inches from the lizard. Glass or plastic will not let uvb through. Mounting it on the wall will not work. I think you should start a new thread about your UVB fluorescent idea. I cannot offer much on that. The thread has gone too far off topic.


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Uvb tube should be mounted no more than 12in from animal. It won't work well with the plastic tub idea. Mine is mounted on the back wall of my wood enclosure with no reflectors or anything obstructing the rays.

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