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New Member
I'm thinking of buying an argentine tegu. Red or b/w.
I already have an 4 bci boa constrictors, a corn snake and a bearded dragon.
In the past few weeks I did a lot of research about it and I understand the food and the big enclosure issues.
The only thing I'm not completely sure about is their character.
Are they really docile lizard as people say?
I ask it, because after all, it is a big animal to handle with.

Thank you.

Rebecca Stout

Active Member
I've only had a little experience. But when I saw dozens of them at varying ages at a show they were that docile. I bought one, that later i came to be suspicious may have been wild caught. But if not, she certainly had zero socialization before coming to me a full one year of age. Despite her fear and not being tame, she has never ... EVER even threatened to bite. I've been floored by that. I've been on three or four forums now, and have no spotted any posts where people are having an aggression issue that hasn't been able to be resolved in some way. And those are are few and far between to begin wtih. I had an iguana since it was tiny in the past. I DID run into aggression issues when it became an adult so badly, I had to rehome him/her as it bit my baby one day and nearly took the tip of his finger off. I've come to understand this "might" have been resolved if I had more experience, but either way I couldnt take the chance. That all said. I"m very new to all of this. But man if I didnt' research for more than an entire year. I was obsessed, but because of cost, having to care for a sick pet at the time, and being scared of exactly what you are afraid of... I did that research for more than a year. I was scared like you. I had run into a couple hobbyist around here that told me tegu's were nasty. Funny. To this day, they were the only ones that have told me that. I just had bad luck running into them. But that scared me to death. I'd not be scared at all if I were you. I wasted a year worrying. And scaring my poor husband... because he thought if I was hesitant, it must be bad ... real bad. LOL.

Rebecca Stout

Active Member
Oh I do have one thing to add. Something I was never prepared for. That was the fact that they do have a mind of their own. And some of them, do what they are gonna do. They are strong creatures so its not like you can argue much with them. lol. Very stubborn critters. Very smart, loving, social... but when they are curious gosh.

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