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Tegus and Avians


New Member
Hello! I'm not new to reptiles in general, but I am relatively new to tegus. I've been interested in getting one (not sure which breed) for a few years now, however I have a couple questions and concerns.

I have two indoor chickens, a silkie hen and a serama rooster. They have free range of the house. Does anyone have any experience with tegu and avian interaction? My birds have been exposed to a large variety of animals, including reptiles, and typically just mind their own business. However would a tegu, raised from a hatchling and exposed to these chickens on a daily basis, grow up and see my two chickens as prey items? I would obviously be avoiding prekilled chicks and quail as food, of course.

It's an odd species interaction to ask about, but I figured there might be someone out there who maybe has parrots and a tegu, or some other type of bird in the house.

Thank you for any thoughts or input!

eric zukowski

New Member
The way to attempt that would be with a hatchling for sure but it's safety could be in danger from getting pecked. I don't believe you could ever fully trust the tegu around the chickens once full grown. But I have seen some odd animal friendships even predator pray ones. I wouldn't risk it.

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