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That is a very opinionated question, probably the most opinionated one out there...and my opinion is dont do it. Sometimes it works yes and we can all agree on that, but alot of the times it doesnt and the tegus can end up fighting over food, territorial disputes, basking spots, etc etc. Tegus can even do good with eachother for a year and then one day you come home and one killed the other and the surviving one is jacked up too. I just dont think it is worth the risk all in all. Not to mention a 6x3 is too small for two big tegus imo. Theres just too much many things that can go wrong for me to outweigh the small benefits you would have of housing together
6 X 3 X 3 is small for two adult tegus plus you don't know if they will get along as adults, nor will you know the gender of both until they're adults. You should have 2 cages if you want 2 tegus.