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This vid makes me nervous......


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5 Year Member
dude thats a dumb statement once again "Lol How can I tell? Because she gets out sometimes." so what? people don't let their 15ft retic free roam around their house because those try to get out...they are curious and if it's wondering around it's looking for food or because at the age they are at now they are naturally CURIOUS not uncomfortable, not disliking their enclosure...ljust because they get out doesn't mean they don't like it in there...2ndly window basking spot come on now..i know natural sunlight is great for reptiles..but to use that as their primary basking spot and number 1 source of UVB is crazy...do you know the climate of Argentina?? it's NOTHING like your bed room...if it was you'd be uncomfortable te rest of your life with them...your sense of logic is slightly twisted and you should re adjust your thinking before one of these guys get hurt.

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