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Thoughts on how we expect others to post

Dana C

I saw on one of the threads what I hope was a tongue and cheek mention to a new user something about "knowing the ropes"
I don't own this forum, I am not an administrator, monitor or any thing other than a man that owns a few lizards and snakes.

Here are a few thoughts about how I think about how and and what we post.

For the record, there are no "ropes" to learn on this site. Pictures or no pictures knowledgeable feedback, well thought out questions are always welcome at least by myself and most others. If you look, there are hundreds of people who visit the forum looking for answers or general information about their lizards and 99% of them will never post nor respond to a post. IMHO they are valued members as much as any of you or I.
What I am trying to say is that in addition to the few that seem to try and dominate the web site, there are also people that are helpful in a polite, welcoming and thoughtful way that we don't hear from enough.
Yulyani, Laura FL, Frost, James, Bubblz and others always have great advice, well researched and presented in a palatable fashion. Hopefully I can count myself among those folks and the others whom I respect.

I really am not point the finger at any one. I just wish, that if we lived in a perfect world, many here would re-read their posts before hitting the "post thread" key. I had reduced my participation by 75% just because of the tone and content of many of the threads. Others have as well.
Reread what you are going to post, in fact read it out loud.
Does it say in both tone and content what you want or are you posting a "me too", or a contrarian view in a rude or critical tone?
In other words take a step back and perhaps take it down a notch.


I've only been a member here for a few days and I already know which people you are probably referring to. Nothing is more unappealing than people who come off as know-it-alls that make an effort to demean someone just because they've asked a question, but there's a ton of nice people on this forum to make up for the few who try their hardest to be dinguses. Woo for nice people! :)


Active Member
1,000+ Post Club
couldn't agree with ya more.i think i read my comments around 10 times before i post. haha seeing my name being mentioned but a big smile on my face too.=D


5 Year Member
Southeast Louisiana
Dana C said:
I saw on one of the threads what I hope was a tongue and cheek mention to a new user something about "knowing the ropes"
I don't own this forum, I am not an administrator, monitor or any thing other than a man that owns a few lizards and snakes.

Here are a few thoughts about how I think about how and and what we post.

For the record, there are no "ropes" to learn on this site. Pictures or no pictures knowledgeable feedback, well thought out questions are always welcome at least by myself and most others. If you look, there are hundreds of people who visit the forum looking for answers or general information about their lizards and 99% of them will never post nor respond to a post. IMHO they are valued members as much as any of you or I.
What I am trying to say is that in addition to the few that seem to try and dominate the web site, there are also people that are helpful in a polite, welcoming and thoughtful way that we don't hear from enough.
Yulyani, Laura FL, Frost, James, Bubblz and others always have great advice, well researched and presented in a palatable fashion. Hopefully I can count myself among those folks and the others whom I respect.

I really am not point the finger at any one. I just wish, that if we lived in a perfect world, many here would re-read their posts before hitting the "post thread" key. I had reduced my participation by 75% just because of the tone and content of many of the threads. Others have as well.
Reread what you are going to post, in fact read it out loud.
Does it say in both tone and content what you want or are you posting a "me too", or a contrarian view in a rude or critical tone?
In other words take a step back and perhaps take it down a notch.

Ouch! Dana C,
that ropes comment wasnt meant to be taken literally.
Im not aware of any ropes on Tegu Talk either.
It was a friendly request to share pics.
Most of us seem to enjoy doing so on the forum.
sorry to offend


1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Central FL
I know where the comment came from, and I think it was made in a thread that is going down that path to unfruitfulness. A lot of comments are being made in that thread that wouldn't necessarily be made in another.

However, there was another recent thread that seemed to cause the absence of a few members that I rather like seeing on the boards. I won't mention names, but I enjoy seeing all of the involved people in that thread, and didn't take sides when they were arguing.

Everyone has something to contribute if it is posted with positive wording instead of throwing verbal darts. Even the repetitive questions may help the next new owner. I really have a pretty good sense of humor, but I never use it in my posts because it doesn't seem to come out well for me. That inflection and non-verbal language means a lot.

I like to post as if I am talking to someone face to face. Would I say that to someone's face? Is that how I want to be treated? Am I sure I have the correct information? What bothers me are internet anonymous "bullies" that will post negatively because they are hiding behind a username. I think it shows a lack of integrity and character.


Boulder, CO
I used to be much more active on a number of forums that relate to my personal interests. I realized over time that for some people forums are another social extension a little like Facebook. There are those that post for the sake of posting, to increase their post count, or just to provoke a response, and many other reasons. These posts often contribute very little to the forum - which from my perspective is a collection of mostly useful information. With the overload of information and misinformation online, forums provide a perspective that helps one filter out biased, vendor, seller, or simply inaccurate information.

Forum etiquette varies considerably by forum. I believe that for forums to be useful sites in terms of sharing information that they need to be well moderated. Very few of us are experts in the true sense of the word (regardless of area of expertise), and can only hope to share our personal perspectives related to the subject at hand.

I chose to register on this forum because there is clearly a core of members that are passionate and willing to contribute advice in a respectful informative manner. The written word is always difficult - we speak different languages, have different histories, social backgrounds, and many other variables that make it a challenging medium.

Dana C

Thanks "Charlie". I was pretty sure that it was "tongue in cheek" and I didn't mean to pick on you specifically. I am just hoping for a little more civility, letting threads die when they become bash o' ramas, and a lot more respect shown to one another.
As for hiding behind user names, I agree. On a couple of forums, some of the most experience keepers, highly educated forum members and those from academia, won't respond unless you use your real first name at the very least.
My name is Dana by the way.


5 Year Member
Southeast Louisiana
It wasnt even so much tongue in cheek.
Honestly I hadnt read all of the thread, until after the fact when comments were made (about me) I read through the thread and seen it was becomeing - a little less than tastefull shall we say?
Had I seen this prior, I wouldnt have made my post.
It wasnt meant as sarcasm - i just hadnt seen the prior posts.
Far be it from me to jump in the fray of these petty arguments that have been erupting on the forum.
What I said was simply taken out of context.

and Dana I take little to nothing personally, I understand the point you felt you needed to make.
I appreciate your call for civility as well.
As of late there have been a few on the forum being very argumentative and berating to other members.
We are supposed to be a community. This should be a safe place to exchange thoughts and ideas among fellow hobbyist without the worry of verbal attacks and ridicule.
Some recent posters I think should take a look at whether their words are a helpful contribution to this site, or being used as a weapon.
If it is the later, Im pretty sure theres another good site for that.


New Member
New guy here, and I appreciate all input good and bad that I can gather. I always try to remember that post count and time here really has nothing to do with actual experience, although it is an indicator. I have been on other forums where you would be jumped on just because of your post count if you offered an opinion or information. I haven't seen that here yet. One other helpful thing i have learned from years of rifle building forums as well as a few other reptile forums is to type my post, delete it, and then re-write it. Usually the first go round I get any "aggresion" out, and then re-writing it gives me the chance to clear my head and get the important info. written with out the ego. One other thing I try to do is lurk for a long while, even before I register to try and gauge the character of people and what the forum is really about. Some are there to tit and tat on a personal level and others are there for information and ideas.


1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Central FL
I hear ya, Dana. :) My name is Laura R...I live in FL hahaha

Moderating is difficult at times. I moderate another forum which has a much clearer sense of what is tolerated and what is not. This one is a bit more difficult because of the wider range of personalities. The fighting used to be so bad that I stayed away because I didn't want to get involved in the "politics". I like the openness and discussion of so many topics that has come about.


Active Member
1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
I agree and have something to add. When you post a question, but give little to know information, be prepared to answer questions. Also be prepared to hear you may be doing something wrong. If you post pictures, be prepared to hear either positive or negative feedback. If you don't want feedback or opinions maybe you shouldn't be posting on a public forum.

By the way I'm James W from Las Vegas.


+1 on your post! It should be all about helping each other out, share your experiance and know that not all situations are not the same as the next.

Dana C said:
I saw on one of the threads what I hope was a tongue and cheek mention to a new user something about "knowing the ropes"
I don't own this forum, I am not an administrator, monitor or any thing other than a man that owns a few lizards and snakes.

Here are a few thoughts about how I think about how and and what we post.

For the record, there are no "ropes" to learn on this site. Pictures or no pictures knowledgeable feedback, well thought out questions are always welcome at least by myself and most others. If you look, there are hundreds of people who visit the forum looking for answers or general information about their lizards and 99% of them will never post nor respond to a post. IMHO they are valued members as much as any of you or I.
What I am trying to say is that in addition to the few that seem to try and dominate the web site, there are also people that are helpful in a polite, welcoming and thoughtful way that we don't hear from enough.
Yulyani, Laura FL, Frost, James, Bubblz and others always have great advice, well researched and presented in a palatable fashion. Hopefully I can count myself among those folks and the others whom I respect.

I really am not point the finger at any one. I just wish, that if we lived in a perfect world, many here would re-read their posts before hitting the "post thread" key. I had reduced my participation by 75% just because of the tone and content of many of the threads. Others have as well.
Reread what you are going to post, in fact read it out loud.
Does it say in both tone and content what you want or are you posting a "me too", or a contrarian view in a rude or critical tone?
In other words take a step back and perhaps take it down a notch.


I have to say, it's this sense of community that makes me happy to be a part of this board. Before I got a Tegu, I lurked on quite a few Varanus boards, and did not like what I saw. Don't get me wrong, everyone cared greatly about Monitors, and gave great advice, but many were very short with people who just wanted some help.

What is the saying? Honey attracts more flies than vinegar? :)


Active Member
1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
A big problem with forums that has been brought up here recently is the lack of effort to research answers for ones self. This is the biggest issue on varanid boards, as well as everyone thinking they have their setup perfect even though they are told otherwise. I love the varanid boards because people are blunt and to the point.


Active Member
1,000+ Post Club
Dana, I have always enjoyed reading your posts (especially about your monitor) and I appreciate all the advice on this site, whether or not it applies to my tegu. You always present the info a way that is easy to understand, yet thoroughly detailed (especially for a nerd like me :)). You have brought up many good points, this being no exception. I realize people are opinionated (I know I am) but that shouldn't be used as an excuse to be rude, mean, or petty. Sadly, I have seen many posts that fall under the aforementioned descriptions. If we can all try to help each other out without ripping one another's throats out, not only do all the people win but all of our tegus win as well. Isn't the whole point of this forum to exchange info on the reptiles we love and to make their lives as great as possible? By the way, my real name is Grayson (aka Kodo's dad).


james.w said:
A big problem with forums that has been brought up here recently is the lack of effort to research answers for ones self. This is the biggest issue on varanid boards, as well as everyone thinking they have their setup perfect even though they are told otherwise. I love the varanid boards because people are blunt and to the point.

I agree with you. I enjoy reading Varanid boards for that reason.

I feel like there is a lot of misinformation it there concerning Varanids, which may contribute a lot to the under informed "my setup is perfect" people that stop in. The real good Varanid info is relegated to the forums themselves, it seems.


New Member
I feel a tad diff. about a few varanid forums, while there is a wealth of information and experience there to gleen knowledge from, I find that many new members go there because of the wide descrepancies found in monitor "caresheets" found on the web, and find such abrasive replies that they are turned off. There is a huge numbers of "turn-over" memberships, many I suppose dont have the thick skin required, or are young folks. A bad experience can leave a real bad taste in their mouth and it may turn them off to the hobby/lifestyle.

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