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Thoughts on how we expect others to post


Active Member
1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
That is why research should be your number one priority. Browse the forums first, all the basics have been posted over and over. Then if you still have a question, post away. You will get a lot more respect as a keeper if you at least have your animal setup properly because you did some research for yourself and didn't need the info to be spoon fed to you.


New Member
I think that everyone is and speaks different and we should expect/respect that. However although I would want to be told how to make things better/constructive critism, I Would appreciate if it was said in a kind way as well as maybe some people shouldn't get so defensive..

But I always enjoy the quick responses and helpful
Tips that everyone gives.. I'll have to read the other posts when I'm
Not on a crappy iPhone

Dana C

Great thoughts everyone. I for one, hate the words "constructive criticism. The criticism is criticism even if it is meant to be constructive in nature. Opportunities to learn and improve at anything presented as such, are food for thought and they tend to not create defensiveness. I personally don't get very animated at anything any more so whatever is directed at me that may be considered abrasive or petty, are usually ignored by yours truly.
On the other hand, I am the first to admit I am wrong about something, if I am presented with facts, research, references and experiences that are detailed.

The fact that we are talking about it is a huge step in the right direction.


Indeed. This thread right here is what I like about this forum. Always willing to discuss, always willing to share.


5 Year Member
A lot of the reasons I feel like people repost a certain question is because it just feels better hearing someone's opinion or view on your specific situation. I very well know i've posted questions that Ive read the answer to beforehand. However, I always ask to be sure because I've read things on this forum before and then asked the same question and got a different, more informative answer. Usually this is not the case, but when I read somewhere that I should use reptisun 5.0 uvb and then I post and everyone tells me 10.0 I feel a lot better asking a minor quick question for myself because I like to go on further from that question and learn all I can about why should I use that and where is the cheapest place to get it and what are some experiences with this product etc. What im trying to say, is that I do sometimes ask questions that I know the answer to, but I just like to make sure it is correct and then i like to continue the discussion and learn more if possible.

Sent from my DROID RAZR

I'd also like to point out that this forum will always have a little clash between members from time to time. It's human nature, and it's great that we can discuss it and improve on it, but unfortunately there will always be that one person that has had a bad day and comes here and maybe accidentally takes it out on the wrong people. As long as the rest of us recognize this and try to avoid it ourselves, we will only better this forum. I try to put my two cents in wherever I can, even though I do not have my first tegu yet and I do not have a lot of experience with reptiles I am making sure that I stay well informed and take care of my first tegu the best I can even if that means asking questions over again just to make sure I have the right answer.

I would've put this in the post above but apparently we can only edit a post within 10 minutes after posting? Has that always been the case?


1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Central FL
Yes, Diablo, I think it is....only edit for 10 min. And ask all the questions you want. That is what a forum is for. I think what james is referring to and what is frustrating is when some one asks, "Why won't my tegu eat?" and that's it. There's no info about set-up, diet, previous health, etc. Just one line questions. And if it is posted right above another "My tegu won't eat" question, then it appears that the second poster did not even read the first post. KWIM?

Sure there are going to be conflicts on the boards and personality clashes, it is how things are handled that makes a difference for me. And I think a board needs to be inclusive first....a sort of socially acceptable form of conduct. Like if you were having dinner at a restaurant with a bunch of people that you just met, how would you behave? If you normally drop the "f bomb" in every sentence, no one is judging you, but might ask you to curb your language to create a family friendly atmosphere and it really turns a lot of people off. No one wants you to leave, just to monitor yourself. That "you" is not aimed at anyone, just chattering.

It is about asking for acceptance of differences but also being willing to change yourself. Or asking for tolerance while being tolerant. Kind of a give and take. So while some do need to be less sensitive (myself included), some need to be less aggressive. But in the end, if I think there is something going on that will rub me the wrong way, I just stay out of the conversation. I save my energy for the real world conflicts. :)

Bubblz Calhoun

1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Las Vegas, NV.
We all have our days where we get frustrated with something and the thread can get a little,... thick, some more than others. I don't spend as much time on forums as I use to because sometimes the repetition gets to me. There's a difference between someone who tries and really needs the help compared to someone who doesn't or even does but wants everything handed to them.

I don't mind helping out, I wouldn't be here if I did and most of my life and education wouldn't revolve around the medical field for people and animals.

But sometimes people really should take the time to help and educate themselves instead of being so dependent on others. We all need a support system no matter what shape or form. But it can also be abused and become more of a handicap (like most things) if and when it's not properly used. Too many people look for and expect a quick and easy way out even when that's not the case. Things take time, so do your part First then sit back, observe, make adjustments (questions or what ever) if and when necessary and ride it out.

Yeah it can take time, which we all have whether we think so or not. When given a choice we all adjust and make time for what we need or want.


Dana is a well known person with humble personality !! Before I join this forum, I have joined others too. And I can say that this forum is the most honest and really informative for the reptile keepers like us. Beside the disscusion, if there is argument/debate is no problem,...I think that's why we should learn and listen from another...... Without communication it is not possible to see our needs to develop the better knowledge in reptiles husbandry....


5 Year Member
Southeast Louisiana
laurarfl said:
Yes, Diablo, I think it is....only edit for 10 min. And ask all the questions you want. That is what a forum is for. I think what james is referring to and what is frustrating is when some one asks, "Why won't my tegu eat?" and that's it. There's no info about set-up, diet, previous health, etc. Just one line questions. And if it is posted right above another "My tegu won't eat" question, then it appears that the second poster did not even read the first post. KWIM?

Sure there are going to be conflicts on the boards and personality clashes, it is how things are handled that makes a difference for me. And I think a board needs to be inclusive first....a sort of socially acceptable form of conduct. Like if you were having dinner at a restaurant with a bunch of people that you just met, how would you behave? If you normally drop the "f bomb" in every sentence, no one is judging you, but might ask you to curb your language to create a family friendly atmosphere and it really turns a lot of people off. No one wants you to leave, just to monitor yourself. That "you" is not aimed at anyone, just chattering.

It is about asking for acceptance of differences but also being willing to change yourself. Or asking for tolerance while being tolerant. Kind of a give and take. So while some do need to be less sensitive (myself included), some need to be less aggressive. But in the end, if I think there is something going on that will rub me the wrong way, I just stay out of the conversation. I save my energy for the real world conflicts. :)

Very well put Laura.

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