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Tong Feeding


HeatherN said:
if it eases your mind, Tarot has no issues distinguishing tongs from hands, even when the tongs are not holding food and my hands are. he will chase the tongs even when hes just eaten the food out of them, and he doesnt take food out of my hands unless theyre snails lol. ive always fed him with tongs. so much that he really does not like to eat off a plate unless he thinks hes starving. i do bring the food to him, but he doesnt get excited unless he heres the tongs clicking or sees the tongs.

My Tegu is the same way - Tongs mean food. Even if my hands smell like food, she knows they are NOT food. I have only been "tasted" (read: Chomped down upon) if my hands smell like food, and she is really hungry.

I don't believe that your Tegu associating you with food is a bad thing, in all cases though. Surely, if the only times you handle your Tegu are to feed it, then that could be bad. However, these Lizards are intelligent. Not only can they differentiate between a pinky finger that smells like pinkies, and an actual baby mouse, but I believe that the Tegu seeing you as "The Provider" is a good thing. It may help to further cement, and build good relationships.


New Member
Murkve said:
HeatherN said:
if it eases your mind, Tarot has no issues distinguishing tongs from hands, even when the tongs are not holding food and my hands are. he will chase the tongs even when hes just eaten the food out of them, and he doesnt take food out of my hands unless theyre snails lol. ive always fed him with tongs. so much that he really does not like to eat off a plate unless he thinks hes starving. i do bring the food to him, but he doesnt get excited unless he heres the tongs clicking or sees the tongs.

My Tegu is the same way - Tongs mean food. Even if my hands smell like food, she knows they are NOT food. I have only been "tasted" (read: Chomped down upon) if my hands smell like food, and she is really hungry.

I don't believe that your Tegu associating you with food is a bad thing, in all cases though. Surely, if the only times you handle your Tegu are to feed it, then that could be bad. However, these Lizards are intelligent. Not only can they differentiate between a pinky finger that smells like pinkies, and an actual baby mouse, but I believe that the Tegu seeing you as "The Provider" is a good thing. It may help to further cement, and build good relationships.

Hmmmm so do you think I should let him see me putting his plate of food in the cage as well? It seemed to be making him aggressive, but who knows I'm willing to try out different things if they've worked with others.


I think you should tong feed him exclusively. Like I said, they're very intelligent. If you tong feed him, he knows you are a nice person with hands that sometimes give him food, but only if the tongs are there.


New Member
Murkve said:
I think you should tong feed him exclusively. Like I said, they're very intelligent. If you tong feed him, he knows you are a nice person with hands that sometimes give him food, but only if the tongs are there.

I shall try this! Thanks :D

I know that hand feeding does bond, I just wasn't sure how he'd react to this for some reason


Boulder, CO
I am mostly only tong feeding now. Originally I was putting food in a separate enclosure, but it would take a while for my tegu to settle down and eat, and I didn't really have that much time in the morning. Through tong feeding I have an opportunity to interact with him each morning in what I suspect is a positive way.

I have tried putting my hand in first thing in the morning when he comes out of his burrow and is on the prowl for food. He definitely gives my hand the once over, flicking his tongue, but then ignores it and waits on the tongs which he follows with a beady eye! I can reach in between mouthfuls and stroke him or clear away a food remnant without even getting a response now. Seems to work well for me.


New Member
Yea I definitely think this will help with taming. I tried when I fed him tonight, went well! I'm definitely doing this from now on.

Here's a video I took :D


Tegu Boss

New Member
Bmx3000max: in that picture, there are two tegus. Are they housed together, are they both female, and how big are they comPared to each other and how big is the enclosure. Ecause I want to house two tegus together. Thanks.

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