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Too hot


5 Year Member
So I am having difficulty bringing down the temperatures on the cool side. It has been warm where I live for the past several days and my room is at about 80. I usually keep it around 75 but AC is broke and is getting fixed next week. My hot side of the tank ranges from low 83 or so to 89. The cool side however I feel is to warm and stays around 83-85 also. I have only one 75 watt halogen bulb and two uvb bulbs along the back. The basking spot I measured today is around 128 so I am debating to lower my basking bulb to a 50 watt and see what that does. I am also hoping maybe because it has been warm lately that the cool side has been high. What are yalls suggestions as to making the cool side get cooler? I feel it would be better to have the basking spot around 110 max and have the enclosure a little cooler than him not being able to cool off.

Bubblz Calhoun

1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Las Vegas, NV.
If you don't have any wiggle room to play with the height of the bulb and lower the temps, then I'd go with a lower wattage bulb. You can always save the one you're using now for later.

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