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New Member
I don't know where best to post this so I may as well post here, I recieved her today


long story short she was found abandoned in a pond by my neighbour(and the person that did it was obviously a dimwit because she's a land animal but obviously thought "Oh lets throw the tortise in water, sure all turtles live in water" /sarcasm

anyway, my neighbour brought her to me (because I have snakes and a tegu) to look after her and I kind of want to keep her now so any idea what I'd need to do to make her comfortable? I've already sent the troops out for veg and some bedding but is there anything else she'd need? Any advice would be much appreciated

Bubblz Calhoun

1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Las Vegas, NV.
It looks like a Yellow Slider Turtle, or one of the sliders can't really tell from the pic but it's not a tortoise and they are aquatic. Depending on where you are it more than likely would have been fine in the pond as long as there's things in it to eat and it doesn't get too cold.

Whether you keep it or not, it needs an enclosure with water to swim and dive in.


1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Chances are that turtle wasn't abandoned, that pond was its home. Should have been left there.


New Member
Yea that looks like some sort of slider to me as well. you can tell by how the feet are shaped with webbing that it's a water turtle. i'd return it to the pond.


New Member
kim86 said:
Looks like a Yellow Cooter, which is a water turtle. Back to the pond it goes!

It's not that easy, firstly where she was found is in a field frequented by drug users and alcoholics as a meeting spot (my neighbour is an alcoholic so goes there often), there were apparently 3 of them but he only managed to catch one. The others were caught by some foreign people (I won't say what race) who also wanted to by that one off my neighbour for, as they put it "Soup". Add to that the fact that this is Ireland and nearly winter I doubt she'd survive there because it can get pretty cold here.

I've been looking them up (thanks to the info you all supplied) and what exactly they need habitat wise and I have a friend who runs a petshop so I'll bring her down and see what it would cost me to house her properly, I think the biggest expense would be the actual aquarium (about 10 to 20 gallons) but if it's to costly for me my friend will help me find her a new home, she rehomes animals all the time. Thanks for all the info guys, really appreciate it and I'll keep you all updated on what I decide to do but trust me whatever I decide It will be whats best for her.


New Member
A 10-20 gallon tank is not going to be big enough for that turtle. A cheaper way to house it would be buy a kiddie pool, a good filter, something for the turtle to bask on, and some heat and UVB lamps. It won't be pretty but it's better than nothing


New Member
I have a spare room about 10 foot by 20 foot so assuming I bought a kiddy pool how would I attach a heat and uvb lamp? I'm serious here, I will actually do it if you give me ideas,I have a reptile room for my snake and tegu so adding to it wouldn't be that much of a hassle if you give me ideas how to do it properly and sure the tegu could use the pool too so thats a bonus (although not at the same time obviously)


Just an idea, but they make reptile lamp stands, forget what company though. They're meant to slide under an aquarium, but I'm sure you could rig something to keep it in place next to the pool.


Active Member
1,000+ Post Club
hmm i see those all the time in the pond at my parents house.or i used to till my dad went rambo on any that he saw.....i was around when he shot one and pushed him in the pond.


Active Member
1,000+ Post Club
It's not that easy, firstly where she was found is in a field frequented by drug users and alcoholics as a meeting spot (my neighbour is an alcoholic so goes there often), there were apparently 3 of them but he only managed to catch one. The others were caught by some foreign people (I won't say what race) who also wanted to by that one off my neighbour for, as they put it "Soup". Add to that the fact that this is Ireland and nearly winter I doubt she'd survive there because it can get pretty cold here.

I've been looking them up (thanks to the info you all supplied) and what exactly they need habitat wise and I have a friend who runs a petshop so I'll bring her down and see what it would cost me to house her properly, I think the biggest expense would be the actual aquarium (about 10 to 20 gallons) but if it's to costly for me my friend will help me find her a new home, she rehomes animals all the time. Thanks for all the info guys, really appreciate it and I'll keep you all updated on what I decide to do but trust me whatever I decide It will be whats best for her.
Shy knees? ;)


New Member
Dubya said:
It's not that easy, firstly where she was found is in a field frequented by drug users and alcoholics as a meeting spot (my neighbour is an alcoholic so goes there often), there were apparently 3 of them but he only managed to catch one. The others were caught by some foreign people (I won't say what race) who also wanted to by that one off my neighbour for, as they put it "Soup". Add to that the fact that this is Ireland and nearly winter I doubt she'd survive there because it can get pretty cold here.

I've been looking them up (thanks to the info you all supplied) and what exactly they need habitat wise and I have a friend who runs a petshop so I'll bring her down and see what it would cost me to house her properly, I think the biggest expense would be the actual aquarium (about 10 to 20 gallons) but if it's to costly for me my friend will help me find her a new home, she rehomes animals all the time. Thanks for all the info guys, really appreciate it and I'll keep you all updated on what I decide to do but trust me whatever I decide It will be whats best for her.
Shy knees? ;)

lol can't believe I actually got that, No, think more north ;)


Active Member
5 Year Member
I would not recommend allowing your tegu and the turtle to share the kiddy pool.....There will be bacteria from the turtle that may not be safe for the tegu.


New Member
OK as an update for this (I can be very lazy about updates) I did a temp solution and got a baby bath that is working for now, now before you all get on me I never asked for her as a pet and I am trying my best to keep her alive and happy, I know it isn't the best solution but it's the best I can do for right now.


I got a heater for the water and, for now, change the water everyday because I won't be able to afford a filter for a few more weeks but I figured the heat was the first thing to worry about, in about 2 weeks I'll have 200 to spend on her so I was thinking a kiddy pool, a heat light, Duct tape (to stop her bursting the pool with her nails), a filter (obviously) so is there anything else I'd need? other than the obvious food etc


New Member
More north of china is something still asian which is crap because "red necks" eat turtle soup to. Im asian and i live in PA and im not saying i would eat that turle because my first 4 pets were 2red ears and 2 eastern painted...well and a wild yellow box turtle for a week before i released him back on my farm. I would eat snapper but, you should look up vids on youtube. Lots of cool home made tanks.turtle tanks are also pretty. Not bustin your chops but that stereotype really is wrong. We would rather eat cats...lol jk jk

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