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Okay I dont have time to read all these posts at the moment but james I just figured id let you know my temps yesterday were guestimates cuz I was at work. Went home and checked them with a probe thermometer. Basking is 122.2. Ambient in the middle is 88.5 and the far end by the water is 76.2-82.8. Humidity I'm not gonna bother tryiing again at the Moment I think the hygrometer is broken it said 21 yesterday but like, it's GOT to be wrong there's so much humidity that it's built up on the walls I can barely see in there it's dripping. Half the tank is covered by a wet towel the otherhalf is plastic wrap. Didnt wanna plastic wrap the whole thing I don't wanna suffocate him. Also I haven't handled him since the first day or 2. He's eating good now and seems content so I'm just leaving him alone I don't think I'm even going to bother holding or taming him I'm just going to build him his adult cage and when he's bog enough to go on there I'm gonna put him in there and leave him. Showcase animal. I'll have to take him out to clean the cage but other than that just going to leave him. Can we try and make a new thread later or something? This has gotten way off topic and people are making assumptions. I would just appreciate it if we could let this go, there's nothing weog with the way he is being kept. But james I do have one question for you, how big should he be before I switch him up from pinkies to something larger? Right now he eats 2 pinkies and is full.

James I'll try and get pics later I'm at work.


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As soon as he can take something bigger switch him over. My salvator is about 18" and is on hopper mice.


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ok this is something that has been bugging me and something iv been arguing with my fiance for a while. the basking temp is supposed to be the temp directly underneath the basking bulb. and since this is getting the heat directly from the heat source it would be that high even when a foot or so away from it it might say its off by 20 to 30 degrees right?


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james.w said:
Just to correct one thing hoosier said, V. Ornatus is it's own species it is not a subspeices of V. Niloticus. I have not heard of any of them being caught or seen running wild in Florida.

yeah i put the nile examples in because of the close natures and what people tend to do with an agressive animal.

and derek i would try something bigger now possibly. with the size you described im sure it wouldnt be much trouble. pinkies just dont seem to have much nutritional value and i have even heard them compared to little stcks of butter. :rolleyes: no bone structure etc. id say give it a shot if your comfortable with it.

Frost: if i understand your question right the basking spot or area right under the bulb will say a temp around say 110-120 but the area around that spot will drop of quite a bit the further you you go. those bulbs are ment to concentrate the heat in a localized area. hope that answered it


You need a temp gun to get accurate temps. The basking site needs to be 130+ probe thermometers are not that accurate. I think you should consider rehoming him now when he small he will be very difficult to place the larger he is. Saying an animal like an ornate monitor is growing on you is not what I would consider to be a commitment.


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hoosier said:
james.w said:
Just to correct one thing hoosier said, V. Ornatus is it's own species it is not a subspeices of V. Niloticus. I have not heard of any of them being caught or seen running wild in Florida.

yeah i put the nile examples in because of the close natures and what people tend to do with an agressive animal.

and derek i would try something bigger now possibly. with the size you described im sure it wouldnt be much trouble. pinkies just dont seem to have much nutritional value and i have even heard them compared to little stcks of butter. :rolleyes: no bone structure etc. id say give it a shot if your comfortable with it.

Frost: if i understand your question right the basking spot or area right under the bulb will say a temp around say 110-120 but the area around that spot will drop of quite a bit the further you you go. those bulbs are ment to concentrate the heat in a localized area. hope that answered it
thanks that answered that.i figured that was the case and how the temps were so high for some monitors.

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