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Yea he doesnt hiss anymore but he does tense up. Random times when he is roaming around on the floor and say i get up from my bed or go to get on my computer he will actually bolt a short distance away lol..
I tag everyone so that way we see what Each one of us is posting or talking about due to the fact that we all have the same type of tegu and same age range and were all keeping tabs on they're progression... If you do not wish to be tagged and included that's fine I will not tag you in any updates @RickyNo
@dx2killa @Matthew Krzemienski Wapo Just gets crazy when I go to take him out I HAVE NO IDEA WHY LOL...other then that he's awesome no hissing or anything like that! Just when he's in his cage he goes nuts when I reach in to take him out
@KSTAR Yea mine was like the for a bit but he def not like that anymore. He still tenses up when i go to grab him but doesn't really run away just kinda moves a little. I'm trying a a method of luring him out onto my hand with food hopefully that will help.
The whites are really starting to show on Wapo. Looks awesome! Onix is in shed as we speak. He finally shed most of his tail this time with some olive oil help.
I think it was from Ty's last blue clutch. I got my tegu in late August so I believe its about 2 and a half months old. Its grown so fast in that amount of time.
tag me all you want! @ferociouscorpion what a beauty you have there! Nice fat belly. I'll have to get some updated pics of Sammy. He seems to want to go into brumation. I had to warm his cage up at night. But he's still growing!