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I only got 1 tegu from bobby that was a green-headed baby and she was very tame even at 5wks old and her teperment never changed now the rest i got when they were a a bit older and i had to work with them a bit but they all with the exception of the red calmed down fairly quickly, you jjust need patience( idk what was wrong with my red lol but he just did not like me at all)
Both tegus I got from Bobby provided me the same experience...
They come (quite young) and are quite tame out of the box (probably because their internal temperatures are lower than they would normally be).
Then, they get into their enclosures, explore, and hide. Then, every time I get near the cage or go to handle them, they act incredibly skittish. Eventually (usually within a week), this begins to subside. Within the next week, they are so tame that they actually will crawl up my arm from out of their enclosures. Pretty soon, every time I walk by the enclosures they walk up to the doors and begin scratching (seemingly looking for a ticket out of their enclosures for a while).
Eventually, I'll let them out whenever they want, they'll roam and explore, and when they're over it, they actually walk THEMSELVES back to their enclosures and begin basking. It's phenomenal, really.
The key is patience and understanding that initially, you (as a large human) are deemed quite a potential threat by a tiny little lizard. Fortunately, tegus are intelligent enough to begin recognizing how safe they really are with us (provided we don't try to FORCE anything on them).
Hope this helps give you a general idea of what you could expect.
I've had a couple tegus off bobby,the extreme i had was more mellow,the red was alittle more standoffish i think for the most part they are pretty mellow,every tegu will be alittle different,his stock of tegus are one of the best out there.
I think i had it a too easy with my first tegu Nero, she was super tame right out the box, she started eating an hour after arriving, never got so much as a hiss or anything all was to perfect, it was my second tegu Achilles who taught me how to tame a tegu lol but she was woke up out of hibernation so she had a reason to be pissy but it dint last long at all
Small/young/baby animals are by nature "flighty". This is because they are commonly preyed upon by larger animals in the wild. So they will be 'wired' to be flighty but this nature is quickly and easily overcome with 'proper' interaction.
My theory was to be have my hands in the enclosure often, never threatening the Tegu. Move at moderate steady speeds. Moving fast will startle them and moving too slow will make them feel like they are being stalked. Many people put a worn shirt in the enclosure to allow the tegu to get used to the owners odor.
I would not say they "arrive tame", but the species in general is very easy to tame.
Keep in mind... a stressful animal is not a happy animal. Reducing as many stresses as possible will make your job much much easier...
I only say she arrived tame because of her tempermment right out of the box, she never ran and hid when i approached the tank, she ate well, she didnt put up a fight when i picked her up, she basked all day and i was able to let her roam around with out any problems, within 2-3 wks of me having her i was able to take her outside w/o a leash(something i highly reccomend people to try with a 2 mos tegu) she was just so mellow, nothing like i expected her to be