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Varnyard Hatchling diet????


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SnakeCharmr728 said:
I have heard a few people speak of a Varnyard baby tegu diet??? Can anyone give me more info on this?

Go to Varnyard Herps website.


Active Member
I've read the diet but I have no clue how much calcium to add to the mix and his site doesn't say - anyone have any idea of the ratio?


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5 Year Member
Why not feed Dubia/Lobster roaches and crickets? Insects are a huge part of a young tegus diet.


New Member
I highly recommend Dubia roaches. They are VERY healthful and very easy to keep around. (plus they don't smell like keeping crickets around) I have 400+ Dubia roaches and they smell less over a long amount of time than having like 40 crickets does after a week.


I breed dubia roaches. Have been for just about a year now. Easiest thing in the world. Big plastic tote, packing tape around the edges, hole cut in lid, ceramic heat emitter. Then just water crystals, roach chow, and egg crates. They do the rest. Add a cut up orange once a week.

I have the tote right in my bedroom with my lizards. Doesn't smell at all. Slight smell inside the tub, but I don't clean it nearly as often as I should. I had a few escape at my last house when they were in the basement, but that was in their old tote. Plus they died overnight it seemed like. They'll be the largest part of my hatchlings diet. I definitely recommend getting them


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apocalypse910 said:
I've read the diet but I have no clue how much calcium to add to the mix and his site doesn't say - anyone have any idea of the ratio?

On the calcium container, it says the dosage.

larissalurid said:
I highly recommend Dubia roaches. They are VERY healthful and very easy to keep around. (plus they don't smell like keeping crickets around) I have 400+ Dubia roaches and they smell less over a long amount of time than having like 40 crickets does after a week.

I grew up in a NYC apartment that had roaches. I would never breed any kind of roach whatsoever. Once they establish themselves ANYWHERE, you will never get rid of them. Roaches adapt quickly to any environment. You all might think that I don't know, but just wait till a gravid female leaves an egg case behind your sink.


Dubia are different. I've never heard a first hand encounter of them infesting their house. But I've never really looked for them.

On the contrary, my local bearded dragon breeder also does dubia's. He had heat tape malfunction and burn a hole in one of dubia tubs, in the middle of August. Prime breeding weather. Multiple 1000's of nymphs escaped, along with a couple hundred adults. Not to mention the babies. He found most dead in the following days, ended up moving out a couple months later. Asked the landlord a few months after that if he had any roach problems. Guy just said he found quite a few dead but none alive.

But I also haven't had an issue, and a handful have escaped.

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