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Very long shed


New Member
my female red tegu (32 inch) has a dull color for a month now. I give her a bath every day and she sleep every night in a container with 90-100% humidity but she still dont shed at all, not even a single piece and that dull color is everywhere except is head and toes.
I would like to know if this is normal that a shed can take that long?


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1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Yes, my All American took quite a while this last time he shed.

Bubblz Calhoun

1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Las Vegas, NV.
Somethings not right,.. what are you feeding as well as what are you using to measure humidity? 90-100% humidity is too high especially on a long term basis. What are you using for substrate and what kind of lights do you have?


New Member
I feed him ground turkey,chicken,beef liver,dubia roaches, superworms, sometimes cooked eggs and a thawed rat( I almost always supplement with calcium and 3 times a week with vit too, and 2-3 times a week i had cod oil with the calcium)
I keep my tegu in a room that the humidity around 60-70% and she never had any problem shedding until now (thats why at night i put her in a humid boxe inside her room that is 90-100% humidity).
for lights I use MVB from exo terra


New Member
Somethin does seem up, that's weird that its everywhere but the head and toes (tails and feet are usally the problem) try including foods with a lot of vit A (beef liver and cod liver oil being the highest per volume) I have slight issues with humidity and the "varnyard diet" has done wonders for me, all the tegus I ever had shedding has always been code red usually having to assist with sheds, a buddy of mine who has a b&w same issues his has lost a couple toes, with my 2 new tegus not having an issue and since my buddy had been doing this he is not having issues either, I would recommend being patient and watch for constriction where the dullness starts and give daily soaks keep humidity around 70-80 supplement food with cod liver oil & beef liver (alternating days)
Good luck keep us posted :)

Bubblz Calhoun

1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Las Vegas, NV.
What about fruit? How long have you been bathing her everyday and using the humid box? Is the humid box something she can go in and out of when she needs it or you put her in it ever night?


New Member
yes they his a hole in the middle of the humdi box and she go out in the morning by herself. and for fruit, she really dont like them I have tried papaye, orange, grapes, apple and the only thing she will eat is bananas..

btw thanks for the super fast replies

Bubblz Calhoun

1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Las Vegas, NV.
That's okay,.. not much going on over here, I'm just watching a Underworld Movie marathon.

Anyways :D have you tried pureeing the fruit and mixing it with your staple food, turkey, chicken beef liver or what ever? Also sometimes they don't like it if the fruit isn't ripe enough so I add a little honey or sugar and refrigerate it for a couple of days. To get her use to it you can start off just adding a little at a time like a teaspoon or table spoon depending on how much she eats. Then add more when she starts to accept it.

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