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Where did you purchase your b/w argentine tegu?


New Member
I am in the market for a black and white argentine tegu and I would like some feed back from people what breeder or place you purchased your tegu. Also your opinions on their services and their tegus.


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1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Varnyard seems to be number one for tegus. You just missed most if not all hatchings. I got Guru from a local reptile shop (no longer in business). Gary and Rango came from a high school acquaintance, I believe Gary also came from a local reptile shop. I have no idea where Rango came from.
There are some reptile stores online like LLLreptile.com and undergroundreptiles.com that occasionally have tegus. I have heard many positive things about both companies. There is also big apple herp, I have heard good and bad things. Faunaclassifieds.com usually has tegus floating around. Most are sub-adults and adults. Kingsnake.com usually has tegus.
Another thing to check out would be reptile expos, usually they have websites that list vendors. You could e-mail some vendors and see if anyone might be able to help you find a tegu.
If you think you've found something online feel free to post something on here and we can help you decide whether the tegu would be something worth looking into. Some people try to sell underweight tegus as healthy, colombians as argentines, etc.


New Member
I have seen several trying to say a Columbian is a argentine, that's why I would like a good breeder I grew up with iguanas and had a savanah monitor for awhile but had to sell him because I moved. Always wanted a tegu just never had the room and now I do.


Active Member
1,000+ Post Club
Scales89 said:
I have seen several trying to say a Columbian is a argentine, that's why I would like a good breeder I grew up with iguanas and had a savanah monitor for awhile but had to sell him because I moved. Always wanted a tegu just never had the room and now I do.

I just found out the Argentine I bought is really a Columbian with the black and white coloration. Not gonna lie, it's got be annoyed, especially since there was another, properly labeled Columbian tegu who was (much) cheaper. Fortunately, Kodo seems to have the disposition of an Argentine and hasn't given me any problems. Here are two ways to tell the difference between the two: Argentines have stripes along the backs that the Columbians don't and Argentines have two loreal scales between the eye and nostril whereas Columbians have one.


New Member
Varnyard is the best, bobby is a really nice guy too. We got a black and white from him and he was beautiful extremely mellow but sadly took a dive to his death off our couch. So I emailed bobby and he was sad for us and happened to have a few extremes left. Our new lil one is also extremely mellow and beautiful. By far best way to go well worth the wait to get one from him. He is taking deposits for next years batch :)


1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Central FL
My first B/W was purchased as an adult at a reptile show from a rescue type group. My second was won in a contest from Bobby four years ago. She is very tame and absolutely gorgeous. If I was in the market for another B/W, I would purchase from Bobby again.

Bubblz Calhoun

1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Las Vegas, NV.
My 1st tegu was a Colombian named Spaz, I got her from a local shop in Colorado Springs, Co.
2nd was an Argentine named Dino that I got from a local shop here in Vegas.
3rd was Tricky an AA from Bobby (Breeder).
4th was Lee Loo a Blue from Davedragon (Breeder).
5th is Korben a Colombian also from the same local shop here in Vegas and
6th is Natsuki a B&W that I found on the local Craigslist.

I would definitely do business with either one of them in a heart beat. Not counting the last one,.. that was more of a rescue situation.

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