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Where to buy a hatchling


New Member
Hi Everybody,
I have decided to buy a Columbian black and white baby. The place I wanted to buy from told me today that their babies are about 5 months old. Will they still be able to train and tame since they have not been handled at all? I would like to get a younger Tegu. Any advice on where I can do this online? Would like to place the order tomorrow, sunday, Monday the latest. Thanks!


You're sure you want a Columbian?

I'm by no means attempting to dissuade you - though for a majority I've read they require more effort to become used to and tolerate handling as well as Argentines. I don't personally know of many breeders for Columbians, though there are quite a few that I would recommend for Argentines.

I do know that Columbian hatchlings essentially flooded the market a month or two ago however.


Active Member
5 Year Member
Lubbock, Texas
It's almost to late for Colombian hatchlings, but a 5 month old will be fine. Contrary to what the net says Colombians usually tame down just as well as argentines so don't worry to much, you might check fauna classifieds or king snake for babies maybe get lucky


1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Central FL
They just take a lot of consistent handling to tame down, but can be very pleasant pets. If you are looking to place a fast order, just check all the big names like LLLreptile, Big Apple Herps, Ben Siegel Reptiles, etc.


Right now I would check kings snake as said above they usually have a ready supply of columbians from the big names like lll reptile


New Member
They just take a lot of consistent handling to tame down, but can be very pleasant pets. If you are looking to place a fast order, just check all the big names like LLLreptile, Big Apple Herps, Ben Siegel Reptiles, etc.

I just had a weird experience with LLL Reptile. They are the ones I wanted to buy my Tegu from. Yesterday, one staff told me they were 5 months old, an e-mail today from them said 6 months old, and a different staff I just talked to an hour ago, said 2 months old. The weird thing is, the staff I talked to today, advised me NOT to buy a Tegu no matter what because none of them are trainable and none will be tame, not even an Argentine. He said they will grow big then bite you and cause major damage. I don't think this guy should be working for the company. The other staff yesterday was positive about Tegu's. They do not seem to know what age their Tegu's are either.

Still waiting to get a reply back from Big Apple Pet Supply. Ben Siegel has none available. I did go to kingsnake classifieds. Outback Reptiles has babies, 6-8 inches long. Waiting to get a reply back from them as well.


That is odd is it possible they have different clutches and all are different ages and that is weird I would call back and ask for a manager or something did you happen to get the employees name


New Member
That is odd is it possible they have different clutches and all are different ages and that is weird I would call back and ask for a manager or something did you happen to get the employees name

Yes, I got the employees name. He said when they get an order of Tegu's in, they do not know how old they are. Strange. I would assume where ever they get them from, the breeder would tell them when they were born, he said no. I will call again and ask for a manager. Thanks. I heard back from Outback Reptiles, his are 4-5 months old.


Boulder, CO
Your experience with LLL Reptile seems odd. I have ordered a number of times from them and they have been very helpful and the service was excellent. Most of the online reviews are also very positive. I am guessing you were unlucky in who you spoke with and that is unfortunate for them from a customer service standpoint. I have ordered live animals from them and received them in excellent condition.


1,000+ Post Club
5 Year Member
Central FL
That is odd. I have never dealt with Outback Reptiles, but have heard iffy things about them around.

All these Colombians are imported and farmed. No one keeps records on them and no one is working with them to tame them. That is the chance you take when you order on-line from a storefront. I recommend going to a reptile show and picking out what you want or looking on CL.


New Member
I did order my Tegu today, and he/she will arrive by 10:30am Tuesday morning, tomorrow. I am very excited! After consideration and waiting for replies and phone calls. I ordered through Big Apple Pet Supply. They were the first ones to contact me this morning, and they called me on the phone instead of e-mail, since I stated if I go with them, I wish to order on Monday and delivered on Tuesday. I stated this to all the 5 places. One other place did call too, but decided to go with BAPS. I was told their Tegu's are about 2 months old, the youngest I have found. I asked 3 times to confirm this as you all know I want a younger Tegu.

I will post pics here when I can, or, you can watch my unboxing video on my youtube channel. Which is ArizonaTegu. I have no videos on there yet so may not come up in a search. I will also upload the same video to my other youtube channel, reptilesweare. I made arizonategu just for videos about Tegu's etc. Thanks all!


New Member
I called Outback this morning. He had a problem with something and said he would call me back in 5 minutes, he never did. So you are correct to say iffy.


Well congrats on your tegu I hope you will have great fun with him my first tegu was a Columbian and let's just say he wasn't fond of me but I worked with him for awhile and he did calm down a bit so it is definetly possible


5 Year Member
I also ordered my tegu through BAPS, came in 5 minutes late ;D
But other then the ups dude being a bit slow my interaction with BAPS has been great. I originally ordered a columbian bw but 15 minutes after i ordered i got a call saying they were out of stock and that they hadnt updated their website yet. The female representative i talked to we very clear and knowledgable. After we cancelled my old order (for the columbian) she asked if i would be interested in any of their other tegus. I initially didnt want to get an Argentine because of how much more expensive they were but i decided to ask hr what others were available. She said shed have to check and would call me right back. Took like 4 hours but i eventually got a call back with what was in stock. Placed my order right there on the phone and received my tegu the next morning!

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